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March 1999 | |||||||||
Internet Services on
MPE/iX in 5 Minutes
Here's a collection of the steps to enable Internet services on the HP 3000 |
By Andreas Schmidt
HP has made a lot of enhancements in order to enable the MPE/iX Internet features available in release 5.5. But learning how to deploy them means a system manager has to read a lot of different manuals (like Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services), HP Communicators (especially the C.55.00 Communicator), and different Web pages (browsing to or the HP Electronic Support Center site). I have never seen a short summary of all the needed steps. Here are my notes on how to set them up, as concise and complete as I can make them. The main difference between the 5.0 release and 5.5 is that MPE/iX 5.5 looks more like Unix. Well-known Unix services and configuration methods have been ported to MPE/iX. Additionally, some freeware services can be configured the same way. The problem with those services: Its very hard to see whether or not they are started and running. A clever SHOWPROC 1;TREE;SYSTEM for the ports being configured may be useful, but the monitoring of background jobs may be more convenient. Whatever method you choose, the new services make MPE/iX behave more like Unix, a so-called non-legacy platform. So we probably should be proud that our so-called legacy platform can run widely accepted non-legacy services. But back to the task! Basically, three steps are needed: (1) Create and edit the needed configuration files, (2) link the configuration files into Posix standard locations, and (3) start the needed background job. Create and edit needed configuration files On most systems, a SERVICES.NET.SYS file will exist. So I recommend you compare the content of your existing SERVICES.NET.SYS file with SERVSAMP.NET.SYS. This file contains the information about the services provided. SERVSAMP.NET.SYS looks like:
Copy SERVSAMP.NET.SYS to SERVICES.NET.SYS, or edit the existing file to match. Youll be doing this kind of process for all other files discussed below. The second file is PROTOCOL.NET.SYS. The sample file distributed with 5.5 is PROTSAMP.NET.SYS, and it looks like:
Having copied this, the 3000s services now know what TCP and UDP means. A very essential file is INETDCNF.NET.SYS. Here the Internet Daemon Configuration is declared. The sample file is INCNFSMP.NET.SYS and looks like:
If you want to use telnet, you must edit this file and remove the #, the Unix sign for a comment line, in front of the telnet service definition. Whenever a service can run as an Internet service (e.g. Samba/iX) it can be configured to start automatically in this file:
This permits it to be started whenever the Internet daemon runs. The second entry is needed in SERVICES.NET.SYS, of course; e.g.:
The following will happen: Internet Daemon will start Samba/iX immediately, not waiting for a port request. Samba/iX is a TCP-based service smbp with the program /SYS/SAMBA/SMBD. This service is defined in /etc/services for port 139 using TCP protocol. This is enough to start Samba/iX no additional background jobs are needed! A fourth file may be installed the same way to configure the Bootstrap Protocol Daemon: BOOTPTAB.NET.SYS via BPTABSMP.NET.SYS. This file may be of special interest if you want to boot or start printers as well. For more details please refer to the sample file itself here Im not an expert. The files HOSTS.NET.SYS and RESLVCNF.NET.SYS should already exist. Samples are named HOSTSAMP.NET.SYS and RSLVSAMP.NET.SYS. Optional files are the INETDSEC.NET.SYS and SNMPCONF.NET.SYS. The samples are INSECSMP.NET.SYS and SNMPSAMP.NET.SYS. Additional Internet security can be added using the first file, and SNMP can be used for all kind of SNMP services. Both are not needed! Link the configuration files into POSIX standard locations Because of the origin of those services, they expect the configuration information in the same place as a Unix system. To ensure this, the NEWLINK command must be used in this way:
Start the needed background job Now you stream the Internet Daemon background job JINETD.NET.SYS. Thats it! Now you can try to reach your HP 3000 with a normal telnet session out of your favorite terminal emulator or any Unix host! Incoming telnet is now available as easily as outgoing telnet. A simple command file could look this way: SETVAR CIERROR=0 CONTINUE PRINT SERVICES.NET.SYS IF CIERROR = 0 THEN ECHO SERVICES.NET.SYS exists. INPUT YES;PROMPT=Do you want to override it ? IF ups(!YES) = Y THEN COPY SERVSAMP.NET.SYS,SERVICES.NET.SYS ENDIF ELSE COPY SERVSAMP.NET.SYS,SERVICES.NET.SYS ENDIF ... and so on for the rest of the configuration files ...
... and so on ... see above! What you get for this effort All configuration changes in services and protocols are easy to perform without stopping any Internet service. You only need to edit the configuration files and type the command INETD.NET.SYS -c or /SYS/NET/INETD -c or RUN INETD.NET.SYS;INFO=-c, assuming that the Internet Daemon is already running. For example, if you want to enable the REMSH remote shell service, just do the following: Check the file SERVICES.NET.SYS for this entry:
If this line is not present, edit the file appropriately. Submit the command
Make sure that on the remote (Unix) system the file .rhosts exists to allow your MPE logon. This file must contain the CPU name and the MPE user who is allowed to execute commands on the remote system, e.g.
Please take into consideration that REMSH will not work between MPE systems, or from Unix to MPE (see Communicator 5.5, Express 3, p.2.4 for an explanation of why). Other advantages are: One background job for different Internet Services. Logging is included. Change the JINETD.NET.SYS to RUN INETD.NET.SYS;INFO=-l in the second line. One command to stop all services: INETD.NET.SYS -k (for kill). Most of the newer services can be installed using this method without a need to establish a new background listener job, e.g.: Sendmail/iX. No knowledge about Posix and HFS filesystems is needed. (Nevertheless, its obvious that MPE has become more developed in this aspect. To know more about Posix and HFS is certainly not a bad thing!) The same setup is needed to establish Network Printing (NPCONFIG.PUB.SYS). But I wont get into that here. Disadvantages I found The performance impact of telnet is unclear yet. I enabled this feature on my test box a while ago and saw some peaks, but its a small box (Series 960). Only a few sessions are currently directly connected via telnet, and I assume that the overhead is negligible. But Id like to hear from you about that. If you want to stop only one service, it will become a little bit more complicated if no kill command is implemented in the service itself. And you cannot kill in a secure way the processes on a single port. Nevertheless, you may change the SERVICES.NET.SYS file, kill INETD using INETD.NET.SYS -k, and start again without the disabled service. To restart, change SERVICES.NET.SYS again and reconfigure INETD using INETD.NET.SYS -c. Monitoring is not so easy as with single jobs. I hope this article will help you to make the best use of the new services for our beloved HP 3000. You may give me feedback and report any errors in this article directly to me at Andreas Schmidt is a Computer Technology Specialist who manages HP 3000s for Computer Sciences Corporation, Bad Homburg, Germany. |
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