3000 Newswire Tech Features |
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September 2000
Tech Features
Inside COBOL Learn how to retrieve the actual message from the system catalog for the error that is returned from various commands Inside VEsoft Here's how to implement background jobs from the VEsoft products TestDrive: Autobahn puts Web development in high gear The Dynamic Page Wizard leads this Speedware application suite to new level New FTP transfers enable 3000 shadowing Included software in MPE/iX and a tested job offers some disaster recovery TestDrive: A New Window on Your World The latest Qedit for Windows delivers scripting, host command interface for editor Ploticus: an HP 3000 data display engine This free solution can paint graphic pictures of MPE data net.digest Advice on a new attitude for development at CSY, when to enable checksum, and how to get batch telnet working on your 3000 HiddenValue How to run the Posix shell from a batch job stream, advice on how well partial backup stores work, turning Predictive Support off, the secrets of the enable database for dumping flag, re-enabling terminals connected to a DTC, and how to see how many TCP connections are running
August 2000 Tech Features Inside COBOL Many people dont realize that there are some built-in facilities for debugging a COBOL program. Inside VEsoft One of the more overlooked aspects of VEAUDIT is its ability to work with UDC files. TestDrive: byRequest puts report delivery into overdrive Electronic distribution is easy, flexible and accommodates many file formats Two-Factor Token Authentication on e3000 Get a hands on guide to make state-of-the-art security possible using tokens, agents and RSA secure servers with MPE/iX net.digest See if there is any way to use a non-HP (and therefore most likely non-PCL) impact printer as a network printer. HiddenValue A better way to recover from a down gateway, how to view current software loaded on a system, making RESLVCNF and Samba get along better, and create a startup file with commands to be executed whenever the system starts
July 2000 Tech Features Inside COBOL See how to call MPEX from inside a COBOL program Inside VEsoft Take a tour of the many looping constructs in the product line TestDrive: Discover/3000 uses fuzzy logic to sharpen MPE programmers results A new tool uses pretty slick fuzzy logic to sharpen MPE programmers search results of code and files for maintenance and development net.digest Networked printing secrets lead off our monthly Internet summary HiddenValue Making default routers active without rebooting, resetting VOLID, tricks to defining detail datasets prior to masters, and IMAGE/SQL environment tips June 2000 Tech Features Inside COBOL Learn how to strip leading spaces, and do a bubble sort How to Handle HP-IB's Demise in 6.5 The newest version of MPE/iX doesn't support HP-IB tape or disk systems. Here's what you should do if you're using any HP-IB befor you upgrade Inside VEsoft MPEX has implemented all sorts of nifty commands and file objects to manage spool files a number of years ago, but many people are still unaware of the bulk of them. net.digest John Burke's summary of 3000 Internet discussions includes tips on using the new jumbo datasets, tracking the last time a user logged on, and the art of DTC configuation on 3000 networks HiddenValue building HFS files from within a script are among our many tips, formatting DLT tapes for use on the 3000, advice on restricting access to subnets, and how to modify SYSSTART are among the many HP 3000 management tips this month May 2000 Tech Features Inside COBOL Loading up function keys is easier with these tips TestDrive: Gauge your application success with DBGauge Look inside applications with this new database tool Inside VEsoft There may be officially three bazillion commands and possibilities in the VESOFT suite of products, so it can be easy to miss some feature that you would find useful. This months column sharse some of the more esoteric commands. net.digest Your Mileage May Vary on the new AutoRAID storage devices, and the impact and potential of new larger file sizes gets discussed online on the Internet HiddenValue Restricting VT-MGR access, finding CPU connect and diskspace usage, checking if a previous command ended correctly in a shell script and printing from a 3000 to a non-JetDirect printer are among our many tips April 2000 Tech Features Inside COBOL Learn some simple tricks that escape sequences can do for you TestDrive: Latest Adager Masters MDX, cranks up speed Its latest version tames the complexities of using master dataset expansion, and provides blistering speed increases Inside VEsoft Some of the more fascinating aspects of the VESOFT products are the expression programs that implement almost all of the functionality. net.digest How much memory will 6.5 really need; Practical Apache/iX; and is choosing a blocking factor an exercise in futility? HiddenValue Understanding password displays on consoles, using the MGET command in FTP/iX, making DISKUSE help in seeing things clearly, and getting definitions of all HP 3000 file codes March 2000 Tech Features Inside COBOL In collaboration with Inside VEsoft, see how you can run a report through a translation step into HTML, and then send the results through the Sendmail/iX program. Inside VEsoft Create a unified solution that lets a report e-mail its results via Sendmail/iX at completion. TestDrive: Intact D/R Lunds Dynamic Rollback utility protects 3000 databases by lays down a safety net for transactions with some pretty nifty traps net.digest Our Internet discussion summary covers how RESTORE really works in purging files, what the new DDS-4 will mean for backups and media recognition, and how to make CI variables behave more Unix-like HiddenValue Tips on the erasing the 3000's REDO stack, adding security based on IP addresses for Apache, fixing setcatalog full errors, using OPTION LOGON UDCs, printing a PC's bit-mapped image to a LaserJet using the HP 3000 spooler, and more February 2000 Tech Features Inside COBOL See examples of how you can programmatically deal with file transfers through terminal emulators such as MiniSoft/92 and Reflection TestDrive: Command Center 2000 Bradmarks suite combines a GUI that interfaces to MPE commands with a facility to track alerts and warnings from 3000s Inside VEsoft MPEX comes with a rich collection of database access features net.digest Our Internet discussion summary covers how to move a large system from one machine to a completely new system, including disk drives, in the quickest way possible and minimize downtime, and tracks bugs in the 3000s FTP service HiddenValue Tips on the 3000's echo, resetting spool file numbers, running grep on a fileset without going into the Posix shell, assigning more than one class name to an LDEV, getting a spool file ID for a job number whether it's executing or not, CI and string variables, and more January 2000 Tech Features Inside COBOL: putting your COPYLIB on the Web All the source code you need to create a hypertext table of the contents of a COPYLIB at the front of the file TestDrive: OpenPDF This new tool gives 3000 sites a way to turn those printed reports into Acrobat documents that can be hosted on Web sites, or e-mailed Inside VEsoft: Searching
for strings There are three distinct PRINT commands within
MPEX that support searching for strings (among other things), and
several functions that will work within the context of other
commands. Most people know how to use %PRINT@.SOURCE;SEARCH= net.digest Three ways to read records from a file into a variable, and a map on how your HP 3000 searches network addresses, fill our Internet summary column HiddenValue SORT/XL scratch files, understanding IDs in IOMAP, screening out irrelevant output of STDLIST, resetting UDCs prior to purging, and more December 99 Tech Features Inside COBOL See how HP's compiler plans impact Object Oriented COBOL, and how to manipulate tables TestDrive: e-reporter deploys 3000 reports to the Web A new utility gives HP 3000 managers an easy to use package that puts your application reports onto your Web sites automatically Demystifying Regular Expressions Go ahead, think of them as pattern matching on steroids. You can use regular expressions with Robelles Qedit. Heres how Dynamic Dataset Expansion Fred White gives guidelines for the use of both master and detail dynamic dataset expansion for effective use of database resources net.digest: Patch management and array performance A new tool helps manage patching for HP 3000s, and tips on how to deploy the new 12H arrays for use as LDEV 1 for maximum performance HiddenValue DDS-2 and DS-3 tape swapping tips, using the new job queue feature of 6.0, mixing disk drive sizes on arrays, and more
November 99 Tech Features Inside COBOL Find out the fundamentals behind object oriented COBOL with our Frequently Asked Questions Inside VESOFT Use MPEX to get a quick file count from a group or an account TestDrive: EnterView TestDrive: WRQ's view of 3000 apps in browsers looks sexier, but docs feel less in tune with HP 3000 net.digest: Find out what goes into your SLT, and what HP says should be in there HiddenValue Learn about the !HPYEAR variable, suppressing those pesky express results messages, using CONTINUE in command files and tricks for configuring DTCs while users are still online
October 99 Tech Features Inside COBOL Here's what you can expect from COBOL 2000, the standard that's been long on the horizon Sharing Instant Information via Samba/iX Step by step instructions show how to use the networking tool to share the HP 3000s CD docs across your workgroups Inside VESOFT Our new column offers insight on using VESOFT utilities TestDrive: Javelin Minisofts Java-based emulator brings secure access for HP 3000 programs through a thin applet, and opens up user connectivity options net.digest: Here a patch, there a patch Our summary of Internet chat shows serious attempts to discover or explain the mysteries of patching. HiddenValue Learn about supporting jumbo master sets, changes in the way lockwords work since 5.5, recovering databases which have missing root files, and more
September 99 Tech Features Inside COBOL See how Java looks from a COBOL programmer's perspective TestDrive: The Difference Between Success and Failure Omnidex's powerful indexing produces jaw-dropping performance How to Deal with Mirrored Disks HPs add-on product provides vital disaster recovery, but youll need advice on set-up, disk errors and split-volumes net.digest: We don't need no stinkin' certification test, say some veteran 3000 managers on the 3000-L Internet newsgroup. Others see some merits in the idea, if not the initial execution. HiddenValue Learn about how to view too wide spoolfiles, putting DDS drives back online without ejecting a tape, a cookbook recipe for enabling telnet on 5.5, migrating data from system volume sets to a user volume, and more
August 99 Tech Features Inside COBOL Tricks of perception can reduce complaints from your end users TestDrive: Driving Info Across the DataBridge Moving data between databases is easy with this tool Freedom to mail from the 3000, for free Shareware solutions and included software in MPE/iX let you send and receive Internet e-mail. See how to get the mail net.digest: Why Do I Always End Up in the Longest Queue? Our summary of Internet chat shows how you can keep the right jobs in the right priority on your 3000. HiddenValue Learn about controlling printers attached to DTCs, converting text to uppercase in a command file, how to manage the heartbeat of the HP 3000, and more
July 99 Tech Features Inside COBOL Check out the latest list of Web-based resources for COBOL users TestDrive: Programmer Studio Programmer Studio is extensible, powerful and the law at this reviewer's shop Serving 3000 Web pages with Apache/iX Your HP 3000 can now do as much as other systems on intranets. Learn how to set up your system for Web services net.digest: It's a fair price, really Our summary of Internet chat includes HP's explanation of why it has raised a few prices in the 3000 product line HiddenValue Learn about compressing IMAGE databases, clearing out old log files, PING on HP 3000s, updates to the RENAME and LISTF commands and more June 99 Tech Features Inside COBOL Learn to manipulate strings in COBOL with tested macros TestDrive: TelaConsole tracks consoles, devices in 3000 shops Eliminate the need to constantly scan all consoles and devices in your computer center Get more performance: multiply costs times knowledge Graduate to better performance with Mike Hornsbys set of tips for HP 3000 system managers net.digest: Locking up users, and account management Our summary of Internet chat includes tips on keeping users secure and resource accounting HiddenValue Learn about disabling outbound telnet, copying Web pages using FTP, getting a file list off a STORE tape, discovering LANIC MAC addresses and more May 99 Tech Features Inside COBOL How to stay safe when COBOL initializes fields, and a Y2K tip TestDrive: Probe/iX for Performance Analysis It takes overhead through its MI use, but this tool delivers great English-like analysis and ample 3000 details net.digest: The return of John Burke Our founding columnist kicks off a new stretch of tips from the 3000 Internet chat: transfer tools, DTC savvy, and more HiddenValue Our collection of techniques for 3000 managers includes advice on LDEV1 loads, random passwords, Apache ports, and using PAUSE on batch jobs