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Hidden Value details commands and procedures in MPE that can improve your productivity with HP 3000 systems. Get a free NewsWire HP 3000 Always Online cap – submit your MPE tip directly to us here at the NewsWire. Send your tips to, or fax them to 512-657-3264.

How do I print out the data in my files in a readable format?

HP’s Lars Appel replies:

This can be done with LOGTOOL inside SYSDIAG. I typically use STATUS or STATUS DETAIL to get an idea about available logfiles (and dates they cover). The TYPES command gives a list of event type codes (it does not show which have been enabled in SYSGEN, though). The SUMMARIZE command is helpful to get an overview of logged events and LIST can be used to display/extract detailed info.

Here is a typical example to invest past console messages by extracting them to an output file for further processing with PRINT, FCOPY or an editor of choice...


Notice that the OUTFILE option sends output to myfile.DIAG.SYS instead of $STDLIST. My favorite FCOPY;SUBSET to have a quick look at this is

:FCOPY FROM=myfile.diag.sys;TO;SUBSET=”(OUTPUT)”

The HELP facility inside LOGTOOL is quite useful for further info.

I am new to the HP 3000 administration in my office. What’s the commend to stop users logging into the system? This is required especially when I am backing up the system.

Bradmark’s Jerry Fochtman replies:

There are a couple of ways, depending upon what you still want to run on the system. You can set the logon ‘threshold’ to max which will prevent anyone without OP/SM from getting on:


The default logon threshold is 8. The possible range is 0-14. For a logon to be successful, the logon value must be greater than the system’s setting. So if you set the system to 14, no users can logon as the maximum setting they can specify (with the “;INPRI=” parameter on the HELLO/JOB command) is 14 and thus, cannot get ‘over the fence’.

When done, the logon threshold is normally reset to 7. Given that the default logon value is 8, this will permit users to access the system again:


Of course, there are exceptions. Basically users with SM or OP capability can circumvent this by specifying “;HIPRI” in their logon command:


The other technique is to constrain the number of users allowed to logon to the system. You do this with the ‘LIMIT’ command. This controls the number of concurrent batch jobs and interactive sessions allowed on the system. By setting these limits to 0, no additional jobs or sessions are permitted to log on. Those that are already signed onto the system are unaffected. But when they logoff, they will not be permitted to logon again until the limit is raised:

:LIMIT 0,0

The first parameter is for the number of concurrent batch jobs, and the second parameter is for the number of concurrent sessions. For more information, check the MPE ‘HELP’ information on the JOBFENCE and LIMIT commands.

Can my HP 3000 use an external DNS Server to resolve IP addresses instead of having to add them into the host table on the system?

Barry Durand replies:

It’s simpler than you think. All I had to do was add two lines to the file “RESLVCNF.NET.SYS” and all worked fine. If the file does not exist, the file RSLVSAMP.NET.SYS can be used as an example. The two lines I added were:

domain abc.def

where abc.def is the last two parts of the domain name as specified in NMMGR NS Configuration screen, and where is the IP address of the external DNS server.

I want to rename all files shown by LISTF AB@.some-group.some-account to AB@.other-group.other-account. Can I do this without doing an individual copy/rename?

Donna Garverick replies:

It sounds to me like you don’t have MPEX available, so a command file would do what you’re asking quite nicely. In shorthand, the steps in the file would be:

1) listf [whatever],6 > [message file]
2) while not end of [message file]
2a) get [message file] record
2b) extract file name and tack on new group and account
2c) set up rename command & do it
3) clean up

Ideally, you’d want to accept the two file sets as parameters rather than hard coding it straight into the file.

Jeff Kell adds for those with Posix preferences:

As manager.sys...

:sh.hpbin.sys -L
shell/ix> mv /someacct/somegroup/AB* /otheracct/othergroup/
shell/ix> chown owneruser.otheracct:othergroup \

And finally Costas Anastassiades suggests:

Log onto the target group and account and issue:

DSCOPY AB@.source-group.source-account TO @;MOVE

I want to use FCOPY to copy big files into tapes on a regular basis. One tape is not enough for these files. At the end of the first tape, it returns an end of tape error message, and FCOPY aborts. How can I copy my big files?

Neil Harvey replies:

You must create a labelled tape and issue a file equation for the tape file:

!file mtp;dev=7;rec=-200,10,f,ascii;den=6250;label=200183,IBM

Make sure the tape you put on the drive is a “scratch” volume (store a tiny file to it with STORE). Then run FCOPY with a backreference to the labelled tape. You may have to reply to the job and direct it to the tape drive, but it should work.

John Alleyn-Day adds:

Before you start, make sure you have enough labelled tapes to contain the whole file. You get a chance to write a label on the first tape, but not subsequent ones.

I don’t think you have to use a “scratch” tape; any tape will work. Also, skip the “IBM.” It used to be that HP would only read IBM tapes, not write to them. I presume that is still true. The default is ANSI.
Make the blocking factor as large as you can (10 is minuscule). Otherwise the tape will be mostly inter-record space, and you will need many more tapes than you think and it will take forever to write. There is a limit to the blocking factor, 255.

We’re trying to transfer a file using Reflection file transfer with a record size of 460 bytes in ASCII format. The file is about 93,000 records long. When the file doesn’t already exist on the 3000 with appropriate attributes we get a ‘HOST ERROR EXTENT SIZE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM’ message. If the file is already on the 3000 this doesn’t happen. How can we avoid the error message?

Bradmark’s Jerry Fochtman replies:

Use the ;label option, which includes file attributes such as record size and number of records, which are placed in the downloaded file on the PC. Then when the file is uploaded with this same option, this information is used to build the file on the host using the same attributes. Note: Because the file attributes are placed in the beginning of the file, if you don’t specify this same option when uploading, you’ll get this information in the file itself on the host.

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