WRQ now includes NS/VT
in all 3000-ready products
WRQ said most companies had been buying Reflection for
their 3000s
with NS/VT anyway. The feature has been a standard item in
competing MS92 product, but some are questioning the need for
NS/VT in a world where communication standards are beginning to
stand for something. Why would you want to use NS/VT? Some 3000
applications demand it, and Reflections file transfer
are a lot faster when using it than the telnet options, which
WRQ also supports. On the downside, NS/VT connections to
the 3000
need more system resource than telnet links, one additional
per session. In some cases the extra load can push 3000
beyond the knee of the curve that tracks MPE/iX
and things seem to go much slower.