June 1998

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Express 5 could help you link 3000s in new ways

Something to watch for and ask for will be the Express 5 release of MPE/iX, expected to ship sometime later this summer. It’s going to have a patch for making Telnet/iX perform reliably, something that the connectivity protocol doesn’t do even if you applied this spring’s PowerPatch 4 version of MPE/iX 5.5. The latest telnet patch PTDEDY2A fixes a problem that hangs sessions when you have an inetd running in a job in the CS queue (that is, with the same priority as sessions). Users report of sessions hanging, meaning the keyboard freezes and nothing can reset the session short of aborting it. The patch didn’t make it onto PowerPatch 4 and wasn’t even finished when Express 3 shipped. It also has its dependencies – NSTEDW4 and MPEJXN9. That’s a good reason to look for it in the Express 5 release, where all the little patches are rounded up like so many stray pups. If you’re going to begin using Telnet/iX to try and cut some of NS/VT’s overhead, look for the patch so you can avoid the calls from your users.

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