May 1998

The HP 3000 got a search engine for Web sites

It’s in beta test, and just ported by Lars Appel of HP’s German Response Center, but ht://Dig/iX is up and running to run down your requests for Web pages on HP 3000s. Search engine capability isn’t going to be a built-in feature of the upcoming FastTrack Web server for MPE/iX, so this shareware may be the best option to find needles in haystacks of Web pages. ht://Dig can span several Web servers at a site and can search into protected parts of an intranet by supplying name and passwords. You can watch the engine in action on another 3000 trailblazer’s system, Mark Bixby’s at Coast Community College. Browse to http://mbloaner.dis.cccd.e du/htdig/search.html and type in any MPE commands you might remember, and you’ll get steered to the HELP subsystem files on Bixby’s Apache/iX 3000 Web server. We’ve been using ht://Dig as the search engine on our Always Online Web site for about a year, albeit hosted on an NT system networked to our 3000-based Web server. Although the NT-based engine still doesn’t seem to know the difference between 5.5 and 55 it’s a start, another component of the Web solution now native to MPE/iX.

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