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DataExpress to embed
ISG technology in ’99

M.B. Foster Associates announced at HP World that it is licensing software from International Software Group to deliver its DataExpress across all three of HP's key platforms, adding Windows NT and Unix to HP 3000 services. The extra connectivity arrives via ISG Navigator, software that provides “Universal Data Access.” The software will extend that connectivity and extract the capability of DataExpress to the worlds of NetServers and 9000s, so mission-critical data in the 3000 databases can be shared with other business servers in the enterprise.MBFA is piloting the new software with key customers this fall as part of an ISG alliance.

Birket Foster of MBFA said that the technology will enable multiplatform database joins, something he says his customers already have expressed a need for. “Enough people have been fooled into buying NT servers that there’s an issue there, and they do need to do multiplatform joins,” he said. These kinds of joins span differing types of databases — for example, Oracle on the NT system and IMAGE on the 3000.

Foster’s company licensed the technology, which is based on the Microsoft OLE database standard, instead of building the functionality with its own technology team. “It was a choice of make or buy, and the core of our team is still working on the core of DataExpress,” Foster said. “We’re incorporating technologies so somebody who has to work in a multiplatform environment can have access to all of the data.”

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