Finley said that during the last few years "software vendors have been asking HP for a more transportable HP 3000. HP doesn't think there is much of a market for such a thing, therefore they have indicated that they are not inclined to make a machine with a total market demand of perhaps 50 systems. One of our customers kept asking me to have one made. I called a friend who happens to be the guy who figured out how to put computers in GM cars, and asked him whether he thought it was feasible. He said he could have the first one for me in two weeks." A power cable runs between the power supply in one suitcase to the rest of the computer in the other suitcase.
If OESC discovers a real demand for the systems, Finley says the company will approach HP to provide the engineering information required to get the weight down and fit the solution in one case. He said that CSY general manager Harry Sterling indicated he would be willing to talk about the portable 3000 if OESC can establish some demand for it.