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September 1999

OuterBanks schedules fall MPE Boot Camps

Lucent exec becomes first outsider to lead HP; retired VP Dick Hackborn to become board chairman at her request

OuterBanks Solutions (800.558.5336) has set class dates for two more MPE/iX Boot Camps, the OuterBanks all-day, HP-authorized instruction seminar covering the 3000 operating system and operations procedures. The class was so popular at the HP World conference that attendance actually grew during the day, starting at 80 students before growing to a jammed room of 130 — as attendees left other classes to take the MPE training.

Information on the Boot Camp is available at the OuterBanks Web site. The October MARUG conference in Myrtle Beach, S.C. will host a Boot Camp on Oct. 20; registration information is available at www.marug.org. Cost is $125, or $100 if attending one day of the MARUG conference The Southern Michigan HP User Group will host a Boot Camp on Nov. 10 at the HP office in Novi, Mich. For Southern Michigan registration information, contact Strategic Memory, 703.273.7755. An instructor from OuterBanks is also speaking at the Florida Regional User Group meeting Oct. 5-6.

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Ron Seybold, Editor In Chief


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