January 2005
Ecometry extends its 3000 lifespan After a buyout led by current CEO John Marrah and funded with equity capital, the e-commerce application vendor says that its customers can remain on their HP 3000s after HPs December, 2006 deadline, simply by arranging for third-party support and updating their app.
Purchase order promises elude OpenMPE in 2004 A campaign to get funding for the homesteading groups labs falls short of its goals for 2005, so the organization will now turn to providing help to HP for MPE/iX source release
HP proceeds with MPE/iX source audit Although the 3000s vendor hasnt decided if it will release operating system source to outside parties, HP is underway with a project to audit the source in a precursor to a possible release

Another 3000 app provider extended its MPE lifespan
HP continues its improvements to the 3000
HP's other business OS got its Itanium chops
HP combined its PC and printer businesses
Rosetta Store will speed IMAGE-Eloquence transfer
IBM switched its iSeries leadership
HP now supports sendmail for MPE/iX 6.5
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HP considers letting Fiorina manage less
New integration server emerges for HP 3000
HP unveils new midrange Integrity power
Apple rollout triggers analysts HP downgrade
Evolution to Integrity relies on Aries
HP World to draw on Dilbert fans
February 2005
HP ousts its CEO; customers ponder 3000's future After HP forced Carly Fiorinas resignation, HP 3000 customers weighed in with emotional comments on how the CEO's departure might change things. Or might not, according to a majority of customers filling the Internet with messages.
ERP provider offers to buy Speedware A $200 million company with a strong distribution software portfolio has made a $114 million offer to buy the profitable parent corporation of one of HPs Platinum migration partners
Migration strategies vary from in-house to outsource As companies prepare to leave the HP 3000 for Unix systems, they rely on outside resources during their journey, even if they intend to be independent upon arrival at HP-UX
ROC builds on Seay open systems solution A year after it bought open systems firm Seay Systems, ROC Software elevated spooling to the enterprise.

HP's Q1 report showed slight growth in HP-UX servers, but less profit
OpenMPE expects more candidates than vacancies
HP remains interested in 3000 improvements
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Voting for OpenMPE continues through Mar. 17
HP shows support for 3000-L list
Interex volunteers another free 3000 booth
Interex drops its 2005 Symposiums
License transfers still a 3000 business for HP
IBM pulls back from Itanium use
March 2005
Carly exits amid 3000 customer wishes The CEO who hawked change as HPs mission left HP in an ouster that made some customers hope for a change in the 3000s fate. HPs board looked unlikely to change course, however
OpenMPE boosts candidate slate for 2005 This months election shows more interest than ever in directing the group that serves MPEs future, as HP enters the year it will decide the post-2006 fate of the 3000s source code.