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July 2000

Discover/3000 offers new search analysis

Impact Digital Solutions (www.idswest.com, 415.642.8015) has released Discover/3000, a search engine analysis tool for HP 3000 sites. The software simplifies and automates HP3000 programmers’, analysts’ and system managers’ repetitive tasks from a command-line interface.

IDS founder Bruce Randall said the product has its roots in a Y2K tool deployed during the past three years at HP 3000 sites. Randall, whose work on the product began with developing the tool for his consulting practice, said the Y2K regimen was a good foundation for program maintenance. “I discovered that anything you have to do for Y2K applies to any maintenance project,” he said.

The software was expanded to include powerful string searching, pattern matching, data validation and extraction routines. It also compares group.account directories, has a unique LIST FILE command to see first or last nnnn records of a file and its LIST FILE command can select by MPE file code. Discover/3000 can create space or comma-delimited inventory files for export to PC. It creates summary listing and extract files, and includes the script language DISCRIPT to allow intermixing of MPE commands. The scripting language can read files and create variable jobs with input from users through a menu.

“The competitive advantage is that it’s easier to use and has a limited number of commands,” Randall said. “You can get up and running with it in an hour.” (See this issue’s Test Drive for a report on the product and pricing details.)


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