December 2000

Smith-Gardner renamed itself after its flagship product Ecometry

Following through on a move it has been contemplating for months, nonstore retail solutions provider Smith-Gardner renamed itself Ecometry Corp., taking on the name of its software that it renamed in April. The application name and the company name are the same “to leverage the strong brand recognition associated with the Ecometry application suite,” said a company statement, “which is now known as Ecometry Retail Enterprise. Rebranding our company is reflective of our organization’s strategic focus on providing a customer-centric systems infrastructure.” Ecometry Corp. has made many changes in the past 12 months, a period where it was the leading seller of new e3000s. It now ships its software fixes in controlled releases instead of custom patches, which causes some delay, and some customers are unhappy about disconnects between the WebOrder and channel management part of the company with its traditional catalog based functionality.

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