
Number 62
(Update of Volume 6, Issue 7)
Still time to register for the 3000 Webcast
HP continues to refine its Web broadcast efforts for the
e3000 with a one-hour show hosted by George Stachnik on May 15,
starting at 8:30 AM PDT (17:30 CET). You can still sign up at the HP
Web site, to get a spot for the talk about making your HP 3000 work
with the Web. Browse to
to register; HP's asking a few questions as part of registration to
discover how it should focus its content .
Stachnik promises the content will cover how to access data
on your HP e3000 from desktop clients; how to access HP e3000 data
via the Web; and how other HP e3000 customers create Web-based
solutions. The Webcast, to be delivered over Windows-capable browsers
only, will give guidelines on securely sharing HP e3000 data on your
company's intranet or over the public Internet. Stachnik will show
those who sign up "how to solve business challenges using
Internet technologies, many of which are bundled with
HP has been releasing recorded Windows Media Streaming Files
of its e3000 Webcasts after the events, for those who can't attend
live, using the Web equivalent of videotapes for those customers who
work at Windows PCs. (We note this medium excludes Macintosh users
and others from accessing the recorded material, but we're not sure
what a better option might be other than RealMedia or QuickTime, both
multiple platform technologies. At least PC emulators can support
enough browser technology to let those customers dial into the events
live.) Check the HP e3000 Web site for details on how to sign up for
the event and the recorded streaming files.
-- and chat about it afterward on
Two chats on 3kworld will follow up on topics covered in the
HP Webcast. On Thursday, May 17 Chris Gauthier will host an Open
Forum follow-up starting at 1PM PDT (10PM CET). Log in at
to chat about the Webcast. Two weeks later, HP's OnOn Hong will cover
the wireless access aspects of the HP Webcast in a chat on 3kworld,
co-hosted by Gauthier and myself. Browse to the HP chat room on on May 31 at
to get your technical questions answered by Hong, one of the leaders
of the e3000 Internet & Interoperability team. The 3kworld chat
technology is platform-independent, running on any desktop capable of
interacting through a browser-based chat.
Interex Web site opens for HP
World e3000 roundtable questions
If you aren't planning to attend this year's HP World
conference to get your e3000 skills and news up to date, there are
some alternatives to being there. At least the Interex users group
has made it simple to have your questions answered during the HP
e3000 roundtable at the conference. Go to
and submit a question for either the e3000 event or the IMAGE and HP
SQL roundtable. (The Web site has links called "Review
Questions" to do this.) As we prepared this Extra, SIG-IMAGE/SQL
chair Ken Sletten had already kicked off the questions by wondering
when HP would take the wraps off the A-Class performance for e3000s
(clock speeds are slower, compared to the A-Class HP 9000 models).
HP's been pretty good about addressing many of these pre-submitted
questions at the conference -- and we'll report their answers in the
PINFO goes into beta test
HP has released a new function for MPE/iX that tracks what's
going on with your processes, submitting the enhancement for MPE/iX
7.0 systems only as a pair of beta test patches. PINFO is a new CI
interface to the AIFPROCGET Architected Interface, letting
programmers retrieve information for a process such as its IP address
or execution state. PINFO does for processes what JINFO did for jobs,
an enhancement that made it onto MPE/iX 6.5 after some beta
HP's documentation for the beta test patches says "PINFO
users must have SM or OP capability, or the user must have AM
capability and the target process has the same 'user.account', or the
process' 'user.account' matches the user's and JOBSECURITY is low, or
the target PIN is actually the user's PIN." Read the full doc on
the patches at,
and request patches MPELXK7 (the PINFO CI function) and MPELXK8 (the
associated PINFO updates for CATALOG.PUB.SYS) from the HP Response
Center. Creator Jeff Vance says that customers "only really need
LXK7 for testing. LXK8 just adds new PINFO error messages to
If you want this on your e3000s, you should help test it. The
sooner customers get PINFO beta tested, the sooner the functionality
can become a part of the Express 1 release of MPE/iX 7.0. And don't
expect HP to be releasing PINFO as a 6.0 patch -- that MPE/iX release
has less than a year of supported life left, anyway.
Samba 2.0.7 freeware is different than
HP patch
Samba is a great part of the MPE/iX operating system
utilities that's getting better, but for now the best version of the
file sharing utility is on a freeware site -- and different from the
beta test patch offered by HP. Lars Appel, the HP engineer who first
ported the software to the e3000 which lets it exchange data with
Windows and NT systems, posted this note after our April story about
getting the 2.0.7 version of Samba from
"The version supplied by the HP patch and the version
supplied at both are based on the 2.0.7 sources from, but the MPE specific changes are independent and
different," Appel said. "I haven't checked it lately, but I
believe only the version includes the source code,
handles encrypted Windows passwords and handles SWAT with password
validation (so that only selected people can tweak smb.conf) On the
other hand, only the HP version seems to offer HP support."
It's no small issue for customers who are moving to Windows
2000 on the desktop. Windows 2000 PC default settings send encrypted
passwords which cannot be handled by the older version of Samba being
shipped with MPE/iX 6.0 and later. That means password-protected
Samba shares created for the HP 3000 have stopped working for some
customers once they upgrade their Windows desktop. Unless you've got
Samba 2.0.7 installed, a registry patch to permit sending unencrypted
passwords is the only way to get the 3000's Samba and Windows 2000
working together.
It's something of a blessing that there are guides available
for using the registry patch. Michael Gueterman of Easy Does It
Technologies -- keeper of the Web site -- offers this
"Make sure you have applied the WinNT 4.0 registry patch
(which works just fine on Windows 2000). Also, if you are using a file, you may need to make some alterations to it. I've
included that information provided by Greg Stigers in with some other
Win2000 notes in a document entitled "Windows 2000 and Samba/iX
Issues" available at the web site. You can get to it
from the Document Library section of the site, or directly via the
following URL:
A replacement for the D640s in
After we covered the emergence of the Output Technology
OTC6500 printers last year as a replacement for HP's D640 printers, a
few customers testified to their favorite HP LaserJet model they use
to step in for e3000 print duty. Steve Davidek of the City of Sparks
notes that "The City of Sparks just replaced their D640 (as you
said, "a work horse") with an HP 8150DN . It may not have
the speed (only 32 ppm), but with the attached HCI and HCO, and the
fact that the consumables are cheaper (a regular toner cartridge) and
a faster processor it has more than replaced the D640. It also can
take 11x17 and envelopes in the "manual" feed tray. We had
them running side by side for a week and the 8150 actually printed
the same jobs faster. The only oddity is the way it
"outputs" to the HCO. The HCI does not hold as much paper
(only 2,000 sheets compared to 3,000) but the HCO has a larger
"It also prints PDFs correctly -- which seems to be
getting more important every day. Our programmers have said that it
outputs from the 3000 as well or better than the D640." Other
customers noted that a converter from Extended Systems can get the
8100 LaserJets to talk with the DTC boxes still working on many HP
Tech Group University works on
The process of assembling a full range of certifications for
HP 3000 administration is underway in the e3000 community, with some
spearheading by Tech Group University. After we printed TGU founder
Jonathan Backus' Guest Editorial in our April issue, he followed up
with us to outline what still remains to be accomplished to put
certification in place. "I prefer to not call it the TGU
certification program," he said. "There are many other
distinguished MPE people involved with it, such as George Stachnik,
Jeff Kell, Joe Geiser, Bill Lancaster, Jeff Vance, Terry Floyd, Ken
Nutsford, Neil Armstrong, Steve Cole, Jerry Fochtman, and Scott
Pierson to name a few. I am referring to it as the new MPE
Certification program."
Backus added that the committees for the various tests were
finalized by April 15. "From there each committee will have to
meet via e-mail, and begin the process of creating the tests to be
used during the certification process. The plan is to have the
complete set of tests up and running by the end of this
In the meantime, "the grandfather option still exists.
So for a $10 processing fee, anybody with one of the old single MPE
certificates can be grandfathered into the new MPE Certification
program at the Certified System Manager (MPE-CSM) level. Right
now there are 20 people at this level." For more details see the
Web site at