HP is hiring for TurboIMAGE expertiseA recent HP jobs listing advertised for a developer who could bring TurboIMAGE experience to new company applications. While the vendor has been advising its customers that the 3000 ecosystem is worn out and wont recommend staying on the platform, the IT group is apparently not stepping away from using the databases at the heart of the 3000. Instead, its looking for experience in a platform that it no longer sells. Eiffel, which HP
says is a highly-visible suite of enterprise-wide financial
solutions for revenue, intra-corporate billing and financial
inventory management, will be using TurboIMAGE, among other
databases. Development will be done using COBOL, C, CASE tools,
PL-SQL, Perl, and Web-related technologies on MPE and Unix
platforms, read the HP jobs listing, using TurboIMAGE,
Allbase, Oracle RDBMS and client-server technology. The HP
software project to provide standard, corporate-wide financial
accounting data used for tracking and reporting financial
results, one that includes the 3000, seems to beg the question:
How soon will HP itself walk the walk that matches its talk about
migration from the 3000? Under must-have skills, the HP listing
demands experience with MPE/TurboIMAGE/Allbase operating
environment and tools.