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and procedures in MPE that can improve your productivity with HP 3000
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Edited by John Burke
Does adding an
additional processor to a box result in a new HPSUSAN and/or
Chris Gauthier replies:
off, CPUNAME and HPSUSAN live in EPROMs called
Stable-Storage. Those EPROMs live in different spots in
the machine depending on your model. Never allow anyone other than a
HP CE to change your Stable Storage. This is for legal reasons as
well as your own protection. If your HP CE forgets something, then
its on their nickel to come back out and fix it.
The HPSUSAN number is an algorithm
using the systems SERIAL NUMBER and the ORIGINAL base-model
number at the time of manufacture. Therefore, when you upgrade within
the same family (959 to 979 as an example) the HPSUSAN number should
not change.
However, HPCPUNAME should ALWAYS
change whenever you upgrade your processors (i.e. 928RX to 968RX or
979-100 to 979-200 as examples).
FYI: If your
CE changes any parts, for whatever reason, that have Stable-Storage
chips on them, the CE should use SS_CONFIG to bring Stable-Storage
back into the above specs. There are no exceptions.
If your
HPSUSAN number did change, then a step was missed and you need to
call the HP Response Center.
[Editors note: this is very important because many
software packages use HPSUSAN and some also use HPCPUNAME in their
validation algorithms. Well-behaved packages will revert to demo
mode, giving you time to contact the vendor and straighten things
out. Ill-behaved packages will just stop working. The prudent rule to
follow: Always contact your vendors prior to any upgrade that will
effect HPSUSAN or HPCPUNAME to avoid unplanned downtime. Note also
that a change to HPSUSAN or HPCPUNAME may result in upgrade fees for
your software and should be considered in any upgrade
We have an old
application thats written in COBOL and has been re-written. Is
there a way we can make the old database application read-only
without re-compiling the old source to change the database Open mode
from Read/Write to read-only?
Mark Wonsil suggests:
Have you
considered using a tool like Adager or DBGeneral to change the
password that the application uses to only have read access? For
example, if the password is associated with class 5, make your
dataset access (5/). Your application may of course bomb out if any
DBPUTs or DBUPDATEs are attempted.
Not a question, but
an FTP tip from Paul Christidis:
It seems
that the new version of FTP.ARPA.SYS uses the default file
designators of input and output. Therefore,
if in your current stream files you set input or
output you may want to strategically insert the proper
reset commands or risk overwriting files, creating
unwanted reports, etc.
How can I change my
default printer? I removed the DTC LP was on and I want the default
printer to now be LP23, instead of LP. How can I do it and also
redirect STDLIST to LP23?
Doug Werth replies:
default output for batch jobs can be changed but it wont
necessarily solve your problem. It is probable that batch jobs on
your system have a ;dev=LP,4 directive on them which will
override the default device class.
A better option is to add device
class LP to the LDEV you have configured for LP23. This way reports
that currently print to this device will continue to do so, and
$STDLISTs and other reports for LP will use it as well.
Assuming you are using
LDEV 23 for device class LP23 you could change it this way:
ioconfig:MC LP;ALDEV=23
Just remember the
next time you restart your system that you must use a start
NOrecovery or any dynamic configuration changes you made will
be lost until you start NOrecovery or re-add them with
How can we tell,
using COBOL or CI functions, what mode an already open database was
opened in? And if more than one process has the database open, what
mode each process used?
Jerry Fochtman replies:
DBUTIL shows you this:
simp.tjtest users
For database SIMP.TJTEST
You could
route the output from DBUTIL to a file then parse the file looking
for the information. Another possible option is to use the
AIFFILEGGET, retrieve the file access options and use these to
determine the open mode of the rootfile. This may require PM, as the
file is a PRIV file.
As I recall, BULDACCT
likes to deposit BULDJOB1 and BULDJOB2 in PUB.SYS which is not quite
where Id like things like that to be. Does BULDACCT still do
Doug Werth and Larry
Barnes reply:
creates BULDJOB1 and BULDJOB2 in your current group. Furthermore,
there is no reason that the files cannot be renamed/moved into a
secured group.
Lars Appel also notes
as a slightly tongue-in-cheek aside:
brings up the point that its typically a good idea to use
ALTUSER to give MANAGER.SYS a home group other than PUB.SYS. It helps
keep the PUB group clean (by not cluttering it with MANAGERs
work files, auxiliary files, K-files, etc.) and keeps MANAGERs
workspace less PUB-lic.
What is the current
rule of thumb for configuring memory? And, please, I dont mean
a rule devised by a purveyor of memory. I know that HP is
recommending no less than 128 Mb for 6.5, but how can I hone that a
Stan Sieler replies:
I used to
say 64 Mb + 2 Mb per user. Now, I think Id say 128 Mb + 4 Mb
per user.
Are background jobs
such as SOSMONJ, NBSPOOL, JINETD, and other background jobs not even
a factor in the equation for addressing memory sizing? Or are JOBS
and SESSIONS considered USERS?
Stan Sieler replies again:
question. Remember the above was a rule of thumb. My other rule of
thumb is, how much memory will fit in the box?
Is there a
way I can get a listing of all my DBEnvironments?
Michael Berkowitz replies:
Use the command :LISTFILE
@.@.@,6;SELEQ=[CODE=-491]. -491 is the filecode for DBE
I look at a listjobq it shows 11 executing; however, if I look at a
listing of showjob job=@j;jobq there are only 10 executing. Where is
the other job? How do I get these counts back the same? How did they
get off by one?
Jon Dierks replies:
got bit by this a few months ago, too. If HPSYSJQ is out of sync, a
reboot is required to fix it. If its a user-defined jobq you
can delete and re-create the jobq as an alternative to rebooting.
Goetz Neumann adds:
As of today (12/14/00) we have a beta patch available
from your Response Center for this problem for release 6.0:
MPELXC2-C. The 6.5 version is currently in development.
What is the maximum
length of a file name in the Posix name space? I can only seem to get
16 character names.
Mark Bixby replies:
The limit for HFS filenames contained within MPE groups
(/ACCOUNT/GROUP/hfsfilename) or MPE accounts (/ACCOUNT/hfsfilename)
is 16 characters.
But for HFS files stored in HFS
directories, the filenames can be up to 255 characters. So you can do
things like
/ACCOUNT/GROUP/hfsdirectory/superduperreallylonghfsfilename below MPE
groups as long as you use an HFS directory to store the long-named
Barry Lake adds a
word of caution:
The overall HFS path can be as long as 1,023 characters.
Beware, however: the CI has a maximum command buffer of 511 bytes, so
you cant specify a HFS pathname greater than 511-(length of CI
command). You can get around this by doing a CHDIR to a deeply nested
directory and then use a relative HFS path rather than an absolute
path. Depending upon what youre doing, you might also be able
to get around it by dropping into the shell, in which case you get a
much larger command buffer to work with.
There is a problem
with VSTORE on MPE/iX 6.0 involving /usr files (there is an S/R:
8606252865). The temporary fix is to exclude the /usr files from the
VSTORE. The RC noted that the /usr files have been successfully
restored from the tape even though they dont validate. So,
since I dont work with the HFS file set, how do I exclude the
/usr file set from my VSTORE of everything job?
Gilles Schipper recommends:
Use the command !VSTORE ;/ -
We have a limited
user license of 100 users and want to log off users who have been
inactive for a period of time. I set up in sysgen -> misc ->
session a value of 15 minutes for citimeout. But this means my
console user is also automatically logged off after 15 minutes. Is
there any way to be more selective?
In addition to
various free and third-party tools, Mario Tremblay, H Lassite, Jeff
Vance and Tracy Johnson suggest:
Try setting the HPTIMEOUT CI variable in a logon UDC
based on logon, ldev, whether the user is the console
[Editors note: HPTIMEOUT is a variable used by
the CI that lets a user set timed CI reads on $STDIN. A positive
value indicates the number of minutes the CI waits for input. If a
timed CI read expires, the session is logged off. The initial value
is zero, which means no timed reads. The maximum value is 546
minutes. HPTIMEOUT may be restricted if Security Monitor sets
the HPSYSTIMEOUT variable.]
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