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Hidden Value details commands and procedures in MPE (and some in Vesoft’s MPEX) that can improve your productivity with HP 3000 systems. Get a free NewsWire HP 3000 Always Online cap — submit your MPE tip directly to us here at the NewsWire. Send your tips to editor@3000newswire.com, or fax them to 512.331.3807.

Yesterday I tried using an HP DDS-1 60m tape and our DDS-1 drive did not like it. Our DDS-2 drive also did not like a 90m non-DDS certified tape. Am I doing something wrong?

Joe Geiser replies:
For some unknown reason, DDS-2 drives have a problem with 60m and 90m tapes that were previously recorded with DDS-1, unless compression is turned off on the DDS-2 drive. If you turn off compression on the DDS-2 drive, it should be able to use those tapes. If not, then these tapes will probably work only on the DDS-2 drive.

I’m looking for commands to replace a production file while users are on the system — without asking them to log off then back on to change the file. Does the 3000 have anything like this?

John Zoltak replies:
There are MPE commands that let you do this.
RENAME <newfile>,<file>
I use these commands to replace currently in use program files so that when the user exits they will get the new version when they re-enter. This works for UDC files as well.

Can particular users or accounts be confined to run only a few commands?

John Korb replies:
Logon UDCs (User Defined Commands) can be set up which limit what the user can do — including automatically placing them in a specific program, and automatically logging them off the system when the program terminates.

I’ve been looking at my MPE/iX file listings and see something called Lex and something called Yacc. What are these programs for?

Bruce Toback replies:
Lex is a program that will produce a lexical analyzer from a set of patterns describing a language syntax. The lexical analyzer source code is in C and expects to call some routines that you supply in order to get input text. The analyzer is in the form of a couple of subroutines that you call in order to analyze the input stream and retrieve individual tokens. (Actually, Lex produces tables for the subroutines; the routines themselves are part of a library that’s supplied with Lex.)

Yacc takes a formal grammar and produces a compiler for it. The compiler produced by Yacc calls routines that you supply in order to perform the semantic actions associated with various language constructs, as well as routines that you supply in order to provide it with tokens in the grammar. Naturally, the compiler is perfectly happy to call the Lex-produced lexical analyzer for this purpose.

I have an IBM mainframe VM system that wants to place a 228-byte file on my HP 3000. I can’t seem to find a way to tell the VM system to send the HP box the buildparms needed. How do I do this?

Jeff Kell replies:
It has been a few years since our VM system went out the door, but as a rule of thumb you can possibly get FTP to do this by using the lowest level commands possible. For example, VM might not like you tagging on buildparms on the PUT line. You could try:

SITE BUILDPARMS <whatever REC= specs you need>

Failing that, you might try the more primitive “QUOT” (Quote) client command which is supposed to pass an FTP directive literally:

QUOT SITE BUILDPARMS <whatever REC= specs you need>

If you’re going in the other direction, I do seem to recall that MPE’s FTP (and other clients) could not supply the “ACCT userid cuu” specification to give your home directory (for CMS anyway), and I had to use “QUOT ACCT userid cuu” to specify the minidisk I wanted.

Finally, you might try quoting the MPE-namespace side:


We just received an HP 3000 Series 987, but we can’t find out how to work with the CD-ROM drive. What should we do to get this device properly mounted, and how can we read CDs?

Scott Swartzell replies:
You can mount this CD with the following command:


where <ldev> is the CD. Verify that it worked by doing dstat all.

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