Hidden Value details
commands and procedures in MPE that can improve your productivity
with HP 3000 systems. Send your tips to john@burke-consulting.com,
or fax them to 512.331.3807.
Edited by John Burke
Our HP 3000 is
connected to the Internet and I am trying to establish a VT
connection with Reflection from home. I put in our IP address but get
What am I doing wrong?
Doug Werth replies:
This error
means the HP 3000 is seeing the packets coming in but doesnt
know how to route back. Your firewall (or router if you do have not
firewall) is configured correctly to forward the packets to the HP
3000. But, now you need to configure the firewall/router as the
HPs default gateway in NMMGR.
I am trying to
parse the output of showproc job=@ looking for a CPU problem. I am
doing a STR on a line from
showproc as in
This fails if
there is a single quote in the variable ID_REC, as in
fred;info= data
How can I
work around this?
Jeff Woods and
Jeff Vance reply:
If ID_REC is
a CI variable (as opposed to a parameter/argument) try SETVAR
Any time you
explicitly reference a CI variable (!var) its type is lost to the CI
and it must be quoted to remain a string. The best solution is to not
explicitly reference the variable, instead just use its name and no
exclamation mark. This works for all CI commands that accept
expressions (CALC, IF, ELSEIF, SETVAR, WHILE) and inside ![expr].
My 957 has been
humming along for quite some time now on MPE/iX 6.0 with little or no
help from me. We dropped hardware and software maintenance on the
system some while back as we continue to expect this system to be
phased out soon and bucks are tight here. Unfortunately, weve
been running into some problems with our old 7980XC tape drives. I
think its time to get rid of them (the last HP-IB stuff
weve got). Weve got some DLT4000 tape drives lying around
and Id like to connect one or two to the 957 and use them for
database, incremental, and full backups. Can I simply hook a DLT4000
drive to the SE-SCSI port on the MFIO card, set its SCSI address, and
add the device as an HPC1521B?
Gilles Schipper replies:
It should be
no problem at all. The DLT4000 SE SCSI device can also be utilized as
a boot device on the 957. You should use the device ID of DLT4000 and
not HPC1521B. One issue that you should consider though is the patch
level of your OS. If your 6.0 system is not patched, there may be an
issue with very long restore times for specified filesets. However,
if you have 6.0 PowerPatch 1 or 2 installed, that should not be a
Otherwise, you should
consider using the device ID of HPC1521B as a workaround to the
restore problem. In any case, it would be best to use device ID
DLT4000 and test to ensure good restore performance and only resort
to device ID HPC1521B if the restore speed is NOT satisfactory.
We currently use
REPORT to track CPU usage for individual GROUPS. I have been asked if
its possible to track CPU usage for individual USERS. I know I
can do it if I have them log into unique GROUPS, but thats not
an option. I dont need to look in the past; this is for future
Lars Appel and
Gavin Scott reply:
If you have
system logging for event 102 (Job Initiation) and 103 (job
termination) turned on, it should be possible to extract the CPU
information. The Job Initiation log identifies who people are and the
Job Termination log includes CPU usage rounded to seconds. Of course
you then need a program to scan the log files and accumulate this
information, dealing with issues like logons that happen in one log
file but the log off may be in a subsequent log file, etc. There are
(were) commercial (and possibly contributed) tools to do this sort of
[Editors note:
remember when these charge back systems were a big thing? I remember
writing one 20 years ago.]
Having found that
FSPACE(fn ,-1) does a logical (key sequence) backup in CM KSAM, do
the links work the same way in NM KSAM?
Bill Cadier replies:
technically are no links, its a tree and when you go forwards
or backwards the tree is searched. The key used is the one that last
positioned the pointer. One small difference between CM and NM KSAM
is that CM KSAM preserves the path table that was used to position
the key where it is. So if someone deletes a record out from under a
process then CM KSAM knows how it came to be pointing where it is and
can logically reposition. NM KSAM cannot save its path table across
calls, and so in that scenario you get an FSERR 170.
How can I find out
what is installed on my system?
Andreas Schmidt replies:
HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS shows the OS Level, patch level, and HP
patches applied as long as standard patch routines have been used. No
third party software is listed in HPSWINFO, however.
[Editors Note:
Robert Mills added that for third party tools you could try the
System Inventory Utility (SIU) written by Jeff Vance.
Its available as a free download from Jazz (jazz.external.hp.com/src/scripts/siu/index.html)
For HP software, xeq psirpt.pred.sys gives a complete listing of
I am trying to ftp
a ZIP file in the posix environment to AIX using an FTP get. I can
successfully navigate to the correct group and see the file from AIX
within FTP. When I try to do the get it fails with a NONEXISTENT
GROUP (FSERR 51) error. The file name is of format
James Hofmeister
specifying the file on the 3000, you trigger the posix file
name mode by specifying ./ (example: ./ntp.tar.Z)
or by fully qualifying the file name in posix name space (example:
/tmp/ntp.tar.Z). So, if you are attempting a GET on the AIX connected
to the HP 3000 youd say:
cd /tmp
get ./ntp.tar.Z
get /tmp/ntp.tar.Z
Lars Appel adds:
With more
recent versions of the MPE/iX FTP server, I believe, you can also
switch it to Posix style mode with SITE POSIX ON. This
might even be configured as default in the SETPARMS.ARPA.SYS file.
See FTPDOC.ARPA.SYS for details.
I am trying to set
up a script that opens FTP and does an open, user, and password
command then gives control over to the user. How can you send
commands to FTP through CI script? As soon as it gets to the FTP
prompt commands are not being sent.
Paul Christidis replies:
client on the 3000 supports netrc. In other words, if a
file named netrc exists in the users group (or a
file equation pointing to the actual file) then FTP will login to the
indicated host using the user name and password listed in the
netrc file. If you have access to a Unix system then
issue the command man netrc for additional
Harasleben adds:
Use the CI
ECHO command redirecting IO to a file to create a CI command file
with everything you want; then feed this file to FTP as input.
However I seem to
format my CD command, it wont recognize directories
with spaces in them. Is there a solution to this?
Jeff Kell replies:
You might try
QUOT CWD Number 1. QUOT supposedly passes the argument directly to
the servers parser.
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