Hidden Value details
commands and procedures in MPE that can improve your productivity
with 3000 systems. Send your tips to john@burke-consulting.com.
Edited by John Burke
Is there a way to
see the IP address associated with a particular login?
Matthew Perdue replies:
Any user with
SM can do the following, for example:
Glenn Mitchell and
David Lukenbill add:
The command
:listf ci.pub.sys,8 will list all sessions and will show their
associated IP address.
were seeing UDP messages on the system console. They do not
seem to affect anything, but it worries me. What can be causing
Guy Paul replies:
nettool.net.sys res;dis;q will most likely have a
frown :-( next to one of your Outbnd Buf Pool meaning you have hit
your High Water mark. Because it is referring to UDP I would suspect
your DNS lookups are failing. Increase your outbound buffers in
HPS James Hofmeister adds:
In a case of
the outbound buffer pool filling and your UDP messages, increasing
the size of the pool would be treating a symptom. Does this system
have the current GR patches installed? NSTHD06 for MPE/iX 7.5,
NSTHD01 for 7.0, NSTHD00 for 6.5.
UDP was
reworked in MPE/iX 6.5 and 7.x. To see if you have the current UDP
fixes perform a :nmmaint,3 and look for UDP versions:
6.5: NL procedure:
NET_UDP_VERS Version: B06050B5
7.0: NL procedure:
NET_UDP_VERS Version: B07000A8
7.5: NL procedure:
NET_UDP_VERS Version: B07050A0
If your
versions are less than these, then I recommend you install the
General Release patches.
I have been told
that chkptstat can be a cause/reason for system hesitation. While
checking my system it is disabled, but I have never changed this, so
I have two questions.
1) What does
chkptstat do?
2) Why is the
default set to disable vs enable?
Craig Lalley replies:
more correctly Enhanced chkptstat was a way of reducing
XM overhead in MPE/iX 6.0 when dealing with large files, however it
does not work with Jumbo files (> 4GB). It does nothing on 6.5 and
up, it is only there for compatibility.
Why am I getting
this error in iSQL?
connect to mursdbe;
grant connect to mgr@mbfoster;
DDL commands
disabled. (DBERR 2765)
Michael Berkowitz replies:
STOP the
DBEnvironment, use the SQLUtil ALTDBE command to set the DDL Enabled
flag to YES, then START the DBEnvironment and proceed with data
I am removing a
DTC 48. Is reboot required or can this be done dynamically?
Michael Berkowitz and
Ron Horner reply:
However, be sure to stop the spooler on any configured printers first
before you enter NMMGR. Then make your changes, validate and answer
yes to do the change dynamically.
I seem to be
running into a problem with the CI buffer. What is the limit?
HPS Jeff Vance
CIs input buffer is 512 bytes, however since it appends a cr to
the end of line there are 511 bytes to hold user input. CI string
variable can be up to 1024 bytes in length. There is a 255-byte
limit in portions of the CI that still are in compatibility mode
(CM). The MYCOMMAND intrinsic restricts parameter values to be <=
255 characters, and MYCOMMAND is still called by several CI
Can we do a store
to the disk (STD) without any additional software purchase?
John Clogg and
Christian Lheureux reply:
has been made available with a patch for 6.5 (sure) and 6.0
(perhaps). Its in FOS in 7.5. I think 7.0 needs a patch too,
but am not sure. Dont count on finding it if youre not at
least on 6.0.
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