January 2005

IBM switched its iSeries leadership

IBM’s alternative to a switch from the HP 3000 is seeing a shift in its leadership. The General Manager spot in the IBM iSeries group got its second change in less than a year when Mark Shearer took over for Mike Borman this month. Borman had held his job less than six months; IBM asked him to take over a key position as head of sales of the IBM Software Group. Shearer has been VP of marketing strategy for the IBM eServer Group.

Shearer’s working on the company’s mainframe efforts as well as its push to put the POWER architecture, the RISC alternative to Itanium, into a wide range of devices across the industry. IBM told the iSeries Network that Shearer “was number two to [eServer executive VP] Bill Zeitler — absolutely just as formidable as Mike Borman when it comes to sales and marketing.”

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