January 1999

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Java should be getting faster on HP 3000s

Even though it's a curiousity to a lot of HP 3000 shops, Java/iX is now an offically supported product, and HP is taking steps to make the language execute programs faster on your HP 3000. CSY engineer Mike Yawn reported that CSY was putting the finishing touches on its first beta release of the Java Developer’s Kit (JDK) 1.1.7. Yawn said that the release was “a bug fix release for the JDK 1.1 product line; no new functionality is being introduced,” but added that “JDK 1.1.7 also includes a newer version of HP’s just-in-time compiler (JIT) technology for improved performance in a number of areas.” Considering that slow performance has been one of the biggest roadblocks to acceptance of Java, a speed boost is a major feature.

Yawn said that CSY has added some MPE-specific fixes as well. “Startup time as been improved, along with a significant reduction in memory usage. The hard-coded limit of 35 threads has been removed; you can now create threads until you run out of memory. “ HP expects at least one more round of fixes, including both generic (Sun provided) and MPE-specific fixes, before the final release of JDK 1.1.7 for MPE/iX. But CSY was ready to offer the current version “to anyone who’d like to do some beta testing with it. Contact me via email if you’re interested.” Yawn added that CSY is also doing internal testing of JDK 1.2. “It has not yet had the Just-In-Time compiler integrated with it, and not all of the libraries (in particular, some of the graphics stuff) are built. If there are people who need early access to JDK 1.2 for non-production purposes, contact me and we can probably work something out.”

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