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JD Edwards Sponsor Message

August 2003

To the Editor:

In response to Jim Hawkins’ July article concerning SCSI and the HP 3000 (Non-HP disks may cause risks, HP reports), I am curious as to how he would address the SCSI interfaces between the 3000 and the EMC Symmetrix disc storage arrays which my HP 3000s have been using since 1996. I do not believe EMC utilizes HP’s firmware, although it will, and it certainly does recognize the HP 3000 host driver, SYMMETRIX, for effective communications between host and disc.

In the almost eight years of being on EMCs here at HNS and utilizing Symmetrix storage for user volume sets, I have not experienced a single disc-related failure. In my opinion, that’s damn good engineering on both sides of the equation!

Chuck Ciesinski
Hughes Network Systems

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