Prather delivers
HP execs promises for 3000 future
World address includes look at platforms future role
HPs Winston Prather took his first steps on an HP
World stage as Commercial System Division (CSY) general manager last
month, toting a pair of video commitments from top HP executives as
he mapped a path for the HP e3000s future.
Although named to his post more than a year ago, Prather
was stretching his presentation legs in his first HP World as CSY
chief. He wore the mantle of leadership easily during a one-hour
presentation and almost two hours of management roundtable
discussion. Two HP Vice Presidents gave video testimonials for the
benefit of the installed base customers at his plenary talk,
Powered by HP: HP 3000. The officers who report directly
to CEO Carly Fiorina expressed their views on where the 3000 fits in
HPs strategy.
HPs President of its
Business Customer Organization Ann Livermore appeared in a taped
segment. Livermore, responsible for HPs sales, marketing and
support, compared the HP 3000 to a Volkswagen Beetle a product
which was more beloved by its customers than its manufacturer for
some time.
Livermore said, Its a great product, and our
customers love it. Thats just one reason why HP will continue
to invest in the e3000. But the main reason is you. We know and
appreciate that youre very dedicated customers. Well also
continue to invest in the e3000 because we want to serve your
business needs. Youve maintained a strong loyalty to HP, and we
intend to be the best vendor possible when you expand or transition
to the e3000 platform.
We want you to maintain a leading position in the
new Internet economy, Livermore added. We know that IT
infrastructures are being asked to accommodate e-services and
e-enabled solutions. Thats why the HP e3000 has already moved
into this new era, and is able to meet many Internet demands. My
colleagues and I have heard that many of you are concerned with the
commitment to the HP e3000 and the MPE/iX operating system. But rest
assured, this platform is nothing short of amazing, if for no other
reason than its longevity.
But Livermore noted that HP needs to adjust the scope for
the platform. What we need to do now is set the right level of
customer and partner expectations for the platform because as
you know, the HP e3000 is many things to many people. For instance,
many of the current customers are taking advantage of the Internet,
by using their e3000s in new and innovative ways. We also know the HP
e3000 is running mission-critical applications in many of your
businesses today. In fact, over half of the top 25 of our Fortune 100
customers are using it in mission critical environments.
The HP president also said that we continue to gain
new HP e3000 customers, customers who are building new solutions with
our strong partners in key industries such as finance, healthcare,
and e-tailing. Even with this diversity of uses, we realize the HP
e3000 cannot meet everyones needs. Thats why HP continues
to provide a wide range of server technology choices.
So are we committed to the HP e3000 platform? The
answer is absolutely yes. How do we demonstrate this commitment? By
having a five-year roadmap for product development. By having many of
the latest Internet technologies on the platform. And by gaining new
customers through vertical applications. In the end, we know that it
takes customers like you to demonstrate the power of the e
Livermores comments segued directly into a message
from Duane Zitzner, HPs President of Computing Systems,
responsible for computer products and systems.
This is your product guy, Prather said in
introducing the video messages. Hes a technologist, and
has responsibility for all product generation with
Hewlett-Packard. Zitzner had a more personal comparison to show
how he regarded the 3000.
Last month I was on vacation in Wisconsin, visiting
my mother on the farm where I grew up, Zitzner said.
Probably like most of you, my mother had a list of chores she
wanted me to tackle while I was there. I had to hang some pictures,
so I grabbed a hammer from the tool bench. It was the same hammer I
used more than 40 years ago to fix the fence to keep our animals in.
This is the same hammer my dad was using in the years before I was
Now that hammer may not be ergonomically perfect, it
may not have the latest and greatest in safety cushion handles and
all the bells and whistles, but it was perfectly adequate for the job
I needed to tackle. In many ways, the HP 3000 is much the same.
Its a great tool for many jobs. In fact, many of you have told
us its the perfect tool for you and your business.
The new HP
e3000 logo
Recently some of you have asked if weve reached
the end of the line for the HP 3000. My quick answer to that is no,
definitely not. It is true, youre going to hear a lot more in
the news about our latest servers and newest software. Thats
because the press is always interested in the latest and greatest.
But that doesnt mean there wont be developments and
improvements with the program. So long as customers like you find the
HP 3000 a trustworthy and valuable tool just like my
fathers hammer well continue to work on them and
continue to sell them.
Zitzner also validated the platforms contributions
to HPs computing foundations. In the very best tradition
the 3000 was developed entirely from the ground up inside HP. We
learned a lot from the HP 2100, our very first computer that started
its life as an instrument controller. The HP 3000 was singlehandedly
responsible for making HP a leader in the minicomputer business in
the following decades. It was the HP 3000, along with Digital VAX
machines and systems from companies like Data General, Burroughs and
Wang boy, where are those companies today? that
collectively mounted a serious challenge to concept of mainframe
computers locked in glass-enclosed rooms.
So here we are today, 28 years after the 3000 broke
onto the scene 28 years in the computing business is an
eternity. In part of my computing product portfolio in HP, we have
home PC models that have life cycles measured in weeks, or even in
days. The fact that the 3000 has been meeting customer needs for
nearly three decades is truly amazing.
I dont think Ive ever thought of the HP
3000 as a Volkswagen Beetle, or even a hammer, Prather said
afterward. But when I think about the analogies, they work well
for me. For the Beetle, its been around forever and the
customers love it. And the best thing I like about that analogy is
that its been recently re-invented.
Prathers speech, he used plenty of video dramatizations to show
the 3000s future as a server for WAP applications to
enable cell-phone shopping for a new pair of Endeavor
3000 shoes; as a solution in a Channels On Tap offering to help
a company get a new payroll application; and as a Web-enabled ERP
application for the company manufacturing the Endeavor 3000 shoe. The
future which the videos outlined is possible today, he said, with the
current set of technology options for the platform.
Cell phone shopping is possible using Wireless Access
Protocol (WAP) communicating with HP 3000s, Prather said. End-users
like manufacturing managers dont even need to know if an
application is running on a 3000, so long as its Internet-enabled.
And Channels on Tap can provide an Internet portal to choose
applications, and HP using relationships with ISVs and service
vendors can hook you up with all the appropriate partners.
Theres no reason why this cant be the
future, Prather. Every piece of technology to do what
weve showed you today is available now on the HP 3000. Who knew
that the HP 3000 could provide all the technology and functionality
you need to be an Internet-based Volkswagen Beetle, if you will. And
at the same time have the rock-solid reliability of that hammer that
Duane Zitzner mentioned.
Many people still think of the 3000 like that
hammer, Prather said/ They have this opinion that
its rock-solid reliable but doesnt have the latest and
greatest technologies. HP has already integrated the WAP
technology with the CSY divisions Jazz Web server as a
demonstration of the cell phone communication capability, he said.
Jazz is WAP-enabled, with an Apache 3000 Web server to give you
access to a lot of freeware. Smith-Gardners Ecometry also
offers WAP capability for its e-tailers and non-store retail clients
on the 3000.
Speedware has an option in its Autobahn development tool
to optimize Web page design for presentation on WAP cell phones,
Prather added. Theres lots of technology out there to
help you move toward this Internet-enabled WAP appliance, he
The GM also announced that HP is certifying service
providers for the e3000 so you can have the confidence to
choose one for outsourcing or remote system management.
And by letting the 3000 lean on the presentation
capabilities of NT, or if you want to front-end an application
with Unix, the HP 3000 can play in this multi-tier
architecture, Prather said. All of the technologies are
available now. More technology is coming in the future,
offerings from dozens of 3000 partner firms which
have been scrambling over the last two years to provide this
technology, because they know this is the number one trend in our
customers: Internet integration.
more video, customers from Coldwater Creek, Chase Manhattan Bank,
Knight Ridder and Lindauer-Dornier testified about how happy they are
that HP has added Internet and e-commerce capabilities to the
The GM mentioned that the latest 6.5 release has a
lot of fundamental changes we did that youll never see,
rewriting the memory manager and the kernel to scale and lay the
foundation for the future enhancements.
Prather also noted that in the latest Interex satisfaction
survey, the HP 3000 leads the way as far as reliability,
quality, ease of use and support. Thats something were
very proud of, and it doesnt come for free.
The GM awarded the divisions e3000
Year 2000 Contributor Award to Bill Lancaster, honoring his work for
the platform and his initiative in sparking the new Solutions
Symposium training event for MPE/iX. (See our June issue for a Q&A interview with Lancaster.)
This award is one way we can show customers and
partners how we really appreciate what you give back to the e3000
community, Prather said. Our honoree was responsible for
the hugely successful Interex Solution Symposium last year. Bill is
somebody Ive known a long time, and he absolutely deserves
Prathers talk ended with thanks to the customers for
their continued loyalty, and a way to sport that loyalty. We
recognize that you have a choice when deciding who youre going
to partner with for IT services, Prather said. We
appreciate your choice of Hewlett-Packard, and its something we
have to earn all the time.
The division then passed out temporary tattoos with a new
e3000 logo a muscular arm lifting a weight.
The GM noted that the excitement and passion in the 3000
community exists inside HP itself. A support engineer in HP compared
the community to users of Harley Davidson motorcycles, who tattoo the
logo of their cycles on themselves. Display it wherever you
think appropriate, he said. |