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October 2001

Letter from the Publisher

NewsWire Editorial

In these weeks following the attack on America, I find that each thing I do has more meaning — as if I’m doing it for the first time. Multi-tasking seems just to be a craze; now I want to be fully present no matter what I’m doing, or what pressing task is left to be done. When I’m talking on the phone I no longer tap silently on e-mail or flip through Web pages. Every contact now has a purpose and a value of its own. In a life that is full, it’s become enriched by just paying more attention to the people in my life and the tasks before me.

With this new mindset as Ron and I prepared this issue — the beginning of the NewsWire’s seventh year — I found myself being more reflective about doing the impossible. When we first took the idea of the NewsWire to the 1995 Interex show in Toronto, we had many people tell us that we were crazy, that it would be impossible to fill up a publication each month covering only the HP 3000. We were told that the 3000’s life was ending, and that its market wouldn’t support a 3000-only publication — there wouldn’t be enough companies willing to advertise or readers willing to pay for subscriptions. Fortunately, there were enough people who could see our vision and understood the value of building such a communication stream even during tough times. Enough believed it was possible then, and as the years have advanced, those seeing the impossible become possible have joined us and have kept us going.

Today our mandate is the same as it was in 1995. For you readers who have never seen our media kit written for potential sponsors, one key line still reads:

Sponsors of The 3000 NewsWire are companies dedicated to the industry-leading customer satisfaction of the HP e3000. Sponsor messages which appear in The 3000 NewsWire must be directed to the e3000 community, and be beneficial to its continued growth.

Except for the extra “e” in 3000, the words have stayed the same.

Ron and I thank all of you who have made these past six years possible. Readers, sponsors and contributors, generous friends and enthusiastic critics alike, we never could have done this alone — that truly would have been impossible. With your help and support, we continue with this issue and many more to come. Together we have all made this information forum possible, and as its caretakers, we are grateful to you all.

— Abby Lentz


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