Query makes jump
to HPs Unix
Marxmeier ports popular IMAGE database tool for use on
Migration can be hard work, especially for the
customer who has relied on the HP 3000s unique tools. The most
labor-intensive steps of a migration often involve 3000 services that
dont exist on target platforms, such as built-in batch job
control. But a company that offers a work-alike replacement for IMAGE
has now ported one of the more popular 3000 database tools, Query,
for use on HP-UX systems. The Query porting
project took place at Marxmeier
Software, which sells its Eloquence database for HP-UX, Windows
and Linux. Query is no powerhouse utility for 3000 shops, but the
fact that it was included free with every HP 3000 for more than 20
years has made the simple tool a staple of managing 3000
System managers often write scripts to execute
Querys operations, integrating the tool with other batch
processes. These scripts had to be rewritten for other tools up to
now, because Query didnt run on non-3000 platforms. The
Eloquence QUERY3K utility, included with Eloquences latest
version, will let most HP 3000 Query scripts run on HP 9000s without
If you move the customer from the HP 3000 to
Unix, you have to provide equivalent functionality for the whole
environment, not just the application, said Marxmeiers
founder Michael Marxmeier. Customers can have a large number of
custom-written query scripts, reports that each customer has
Marxmeier said that porting Query to HP-UX a
utility called QUERY3K that requires Eloquence in order to answer the
queries was one of the top requests from various ISVs that use
Eloquence to migrate their application.
HP 3000 sites use a wide array of Querys
features, so porting the software to HP-UX looked like the best
solution to meet the ISVs needs.
You could re-engineer Query scripts in a
different tool, but this may end up as a time consuming and
potentially expensive endeavor, Marxmeier said. The company is
bundling QUERY3K with its TurboIMAGE compatibility option in
subsequent releases. The software is also available as a download for
customers using Eloquence version B.07.00.
The utility has its limitations. Any MPE commands
called from Query scripts need to be replaced with equivalent Unix
commands. It performs a partial evaluation of the :FILE command and
supports a limited equivalent of an MPE file equation.
Marxmeier said he felt the ported version had to be
low-cost and compatible to be useful. Migration customers are
often price-sensitive, and there are more important tasks to take
care of besides Query reports, he said.
Marxmeier was considering a price of $300 for QUERY3K
to help offset migrations costs. But the software is currently
free to Eloquence customers on a current support contract. The
price-sensitivity is a concern for ISVs who are worried about
losing customers to competition due to migration
Two other solutions exist for re-engineering Query
reports, including the Ask Plus software from Vitalsoft and Query/3k
From Cheops Technologies. Ask Plus has an option to convert Query
reports to the AskPlus report format (one that is somewhat similar to
Query), and Ask Plus adds reporting power which Query doesnt
For the moment the Marxmeier utility only works with
Eloquence, but future versions could extend its scope. We are
very open to talking to people using other databases and vendors [of
migration tools] that might be interested provide a customized
version of QUERY3K on HP platforms Marxmeier
Querys HP 3000 source code, where Marxmeier
Software began its project, has been available to the public from HP
through the Interex user group. The new version of Query currently
runs on PA-RISC HP-UX systems, as well as Itanium-based HP-UX servers
in PA-RISC compatibility mode. HP-UX version 11.11 is required;
porting to other HP platforms native Itanium, Windows and
Linux is in progress.