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March, 1999

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Ron Seybold, Editor In Chief

Over the past couple of years, MPE has been able to take advantage of exciting new functionality by importing various Open Source software packages like Java, Samba, Syslog, BIND, Apache and many others. How about taking a tentative step and publishing portions of MPE as Open Source? Certainly any MPE product that has reached end-of-support status should be considered. But current supported-but-ignored products like EDITOR might also be considered.

Winston Prather: In general I think this is a good idea. HP should look at this. What I don’t want to do is create a process for putting all our source code for all of these products on the Web and not see it used. I’m very supportive of this. If there’s somebody out there that has ideas about doing something to EDITOR or something else, I’d rather handle it on a reactive basis. If you have an idea that you want to change an older product that HP’s not going to pay that much attention to, let us know.

Ken Nutsford: We’ve been asking if the MPE/V software could be put on the freeware tape for a couple of years now. Could you look at it as a specific example?

Prather: Here’s what I’d like to see in a proposal: I’d like to see this in Open Source, and here’s the benefit your customers would have. What would be the benefits of having Open Source for the [MPE/V] operating system be?

Ken Nutsford: The MPE/V users that are still there could support themselves. They can’t get support from HP anymore.

Prather: Would they make changes to the operating system?

Nutsford: Not necessarily changes, but if there was a showstopper for them it would be something they could look at.

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