June 2004 Get the most out of your Robelle tools Another Amazing Year for SuprtoolBy Neil Armstrong If you thought that
was terrific, wait until you see this springs version 4.8. And
most of the improvements apply equally to MPE and HP-UX. Suprtool
version 4.8, with even more improvements, was released into
production status during April. Suprtool now has a $Edit function for formatting data, just like COBOL has. For example: >ext
a=$edit(int-field,$$,$$$.99-) Suprtool now allows up to
255 $split functions per task. The previous limit was 16, and the
limit has been changed to assist in reading data from PRN
files. You can now parse almost any field-separated data entry. Consider the following Data: Armstrong/ Neil/ Patrick You may notice that this
is the format the Summit application uses to store names. The $split
function can extract each token into separate fields. The syntax for
the $split function is: $split(Field,Start Character,occurrence,End Character,occurrence) The following task
will $split the data in the wholefield into three separate fields.
This assumes that the file namefile is a self-describing file with a
field called wholename. The first extract
statement tells Suprtool to extract the bytes from the field
wholename, starting at the beginning (first keyword), and stopping at
the / character. The second extract statement, tells
Suprtool to extract the bytes between the first occurrence of the
/ character to the next occurrence of the /
character, and then that string is trimmed of spaces as it is nested
within the $trim function. The third and final extract statement
tells Suprtool to extract the bytes beginning with the second
occurrence of the / character to the second occurrence of
the space character. Suprtool now reads
Eloquence databases up to five times faster. You can turn this
option on by putting the command >Set FastRead on in the file
/opt/robelle/suprmgr. This will invoke the FastReads for all Suprtool
processes reading Eloquence databases. Another important
enhancement for Eloquence is that Suprtool will now dynamically load
whatever Eloquence routines you have on your system. The routines
libimage3k.sl and libeqdb.sl are now loaded automatically as long as
the SHLIB_PATH variable is set for you. (If you are a Summit user,
relax, this variable is already set for you). Suprtool now has a
$Findclean function to identify records with specific characters in
it. We recently added the $Clean function to primarily clean bad characters in text fields. This has been an extremely popular enhancement but many wanted to do investigative work and try to figure out what records had these bad characters, to hopefully find out where the bad data was coming from. For this reason we have created the $FindClean function. $FindClean will return true if it finds a character defined using the Clean command. >in cleansd The above task will list the record if the field nonprint has a Tab (Decimal 9) or a Line Feed (Decimal 10) anywhere in the field. You can Find and clean the bad characters from a field at the same time: >in cleansd Dbedit for HP-UX now works on Eloquence databases; and on Oracle databases in the ImaxSoft version of Suprtool. Entered through the Edit command, this module allows you to easily List, Update, Delete, Put and Change data entries by their key fields. This module makes it easy to add new data to a database, modify it, quickly find data that is related by key value, and automatically change a key value in all datasets. The List command in
Suprtool for HP-UX has a new File keyword that allows output to be
directed to a file. The List command also has a new option to Append
to an existing file. The File option takes the next parameter as the filename: >in test/file1sd If the file myslist exists, it will be overwritten, unless you specify the Append option. If you specify the Append option, the new report will be added to the file. So if you want to combine two reports to the same output file, you just need to do the following: >in test/file1sd Suprtools Open
command can now connect to a remote Oracle database. For the rest of 2004 we plan to add new functions to Suprtool. MPE may be dying, according to some people, but we continue to add just as many new features to our software products for MPE. This year we are also looking to use our new dynamic loading feature to support more databases on HP-UX (through TurboIMAGE call-translation libraries).