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Robelle Sponsor Message

December 2003

Get the most out of your Robelle Tools

Easier Migration for Suprtool

By Neil Armstrong

Recently Lee Tsai from iMAXSoft (www.imaxsoft.com, lee@imaxsoft.com) approached us about generating a version of Suprtool for HP-UX that utilized their series of call conversion libraries called OpenTURBO. Lee’s tools and utilities can take an Image database and convert it to Oracle quite painlessly.

Using their libraries, which map TurboImage calls into appropriate Oracle calls, Suprtool is able to access ORACLE databases using the standard IMAGE or Eloquence commands (Base, Get, Delete, etc.), instead of through Suprtool’s special Oracle commands (Open, Select, Add). Without OpenTURBO, some Suprtool functions are not available on Oracle (Update, Delete). This means little or no changes to your Suprtool scripts when migrating from MPE (TurboImage) to HP-UX (Oracle).

So far we have done limited testing of Suprtool with OpenTurbo, but we are encouraged by the results. If you are interested in trying this version of Suprtool with OpenTURBO, please e-mail me at neil@robelle.com.

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