May 2003 Get the most out of
your Robelle Tools 1234.45- can now be accepted and converted to any other numeric data type. Consider the following data: Item-number New-Price Suprtool can now read and convert the data in New-Price using the $number function. Lets say we want New-Price to be a double integer and currently occupies eight bytes starting in position six. Here is the task you would use to convert the New-Price free-format number into a double integer. >in mynums The $number function takes
the free-format number and makes it into a valid display-type number.
It will determine the decimal, sign and add leading zeroes. It will
round the number to the defined number of decimal places. Suprtool will reject
data that has: More than one sign. You can control the character that defines the currency, thousand and decimal symbol for other currencies and formats using the following commands: >set decimalsymbol
. Suprtool in the above case
will strip the currency and thousand symbols and use the decimal
symbol to determine the number of decimal places. You can set these
characters to any values you want but the defaults for each are used
in the above set commands. The decimal and thousand symbols are only
single characters. The currency symbol allows up to four