March 2005
Get the most out of your Robelle Tools
Specifying a Line Range, Without Using Line Numbers
One of the little-known features of Qedit commands is
their ability to use strings as a rangelist. Use them in any command
that accepts a rangelist, and then that command will be applied only
to lines containing that string. Strings can be delimited by quotes,
or by any of the following special characters: | ~ _ ! # > &:.
You can further qualify strings if you use window options on the
string being searched.
Some examples:
Deleting all lines with the string
/delete superfluous
Deleting all lines without the string
/delete superfluous (nomatch)
Change bug to undocumented
feature, but only on those lines that have the string
/change bugundocumented feature
Delete all blank lines.
/delete ~ (pattern) {blank
Find the next occurrence of the string .font
that starts in the first column.
/find .font (1/5)
List all occurrences of Frank, but not in
words such as Frankenstein.
/list Frank (smart) {ignores
default, Qedit searches for matches to a string. Specifying (NOMATCH)
reverses this logic. Likewise, string searches can be restricted to
particular columns (10/40), or to a caseless search (UPSHIFT).
the string represents a pattern, this should be specified with valid
pattern characters:
anything, including nothing
single numeric digit
single alphanumeric digit
zero or more spaces
How Can I Beautify My Text in Qedit?
Qedit has two very nice features for word processing: the
Justify command to flow text into even paragraphs, and the Spell
command to check the spelling of words in your text (MPE only). These
two features can come in handy when you are writing program
documentation and quick memos or emails.
Here is an example of the Justify command:
/list 10/15
10 You should wriet down the information below and
11 see the manuals trouble shooting
12 section for information on resolving this problem.
13 If the suggestions in the manual do not help, call
14 the suport line for further asistance.
Use the Justify command to reformat it into paragraphs
that are up to 53 columns wide, squaring off both margins and putting
two spaces after periods:
/justify both margin 53 two on 10/15
10 You should wriet down the information below and see
11 the manuals trouble shooting section for
12 on resolving this problem. If the suggestions in
13 the manual do not help, call the suport line for
14 further asistance.
Now lets check the spelling of our Pulitzer
prize-winning text:
/spell 10/15
10 You should wriet down the information below and see
13 the manual do not help, call the suport line for
14 further asistance.
6 lines Spell-checked
3 misspellings
The Spell command has highlighted the mistakes which we
need to correct by hand. Problem: we dont know the correct
spelling of assistance. Solution: the Word commands
sound-alike search (denoted by !).
/word asistance!
word : asistance
soundex : accosting
: accusations
: accustoms
: acquisitions
: assistance
: assisting
: associating
: associations
: augustness
9 matches
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