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January 2000

3000 product directory gains online updates

SolutionStore/3000 Web site offers free listings with new password-protected update abilities

The only HP 3000 product directory hosted on an HP 3000 and driven by a search engine has gained secure update capabilities, as SolutionStore/3000 launched a new set of features to modify listings.

The directory, located at www.solutionstore3000.com, provides a new facility that lets product and service providers make updates to the more than 900 free and paid listings on the 3000 server. Password-protected access in the Update Your Listing section gives this online directory the ability to keep up with changing features, prices and products for the 3000 community. Directory listings all relate to the HP 3000.

“Our editors have been researching and entering listings for the 3000 since mid-’99 for SolutionStore, and we feel good about the breadth of our listings,” said NewsWire Publisher Dottie Lentz. “But the real power of SolutionStore lies in the ability for companies to update the product listings we already have entered for them.”

SolutionStore/3000 tracks the community’s product offerings and is free to use and post listings to. Paid upgrades are also available. Contact Marguerite Byers at 915.542.0607 for details on updating your free listings.

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Ron Seybold, Editor In Chief


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