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HP 3000 Visions
for 1999

January, 1999

1999 will be a year when HP’s Commercial Systems Division continues to achieve the long-term goals it set during 1998. Interoperability and the Internet will be large focuses, as will the Y2K issue. During 1999, companies will try hard to fix and replace non-compliant software and hardware. In addition, the new European currency, the euro, will be traded as of January 1, 1999; in business-to-business relations this will be not an option, but a must. CSY is committed to providing worry-free computing on its HP 3000 servers by enabling full functionality for the euro symbol on the platform. In the meantime HP has developed a workaround to ensure [that] customers’ transition to this new standard is seamless. CSY will continue to work with its partners, including software and peripheral providers, to ensure that all elements of the product chain connected to the HP 3000 support the euro symbol.

Here in the US, CSY is ready to go after the distribution marketplace as a focused vertical for new business. What new vertical markets do you expect will make a significant contribution to HP 3000 business in Europe?

While the US vertical markets have been determined and pursued for HP’s Commercial Systems Division, the European vertical markets have not yet been finalized. They will most likely be different from the US verticals; we are currently in the process of determining which markets hold the most promise and opportunity.

Ivica Juresa

Regional Business

CSY Europe

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