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Forecasts for the HP 3000’s
New Year

January, 1999

It’s human nature to take stock at the start of a new year, working to improve vision in the quiet space of the holidays. Here at the 3000 NewsWire, we think future vision has the potential to provide value in your IT planning.

That’s why we continued our tradition of calling on HP 3000 experts to ask “What kind of changes to the 3000 community do you expect 1999 will bring?” Our panel covers much of what’s important to HP 3000 customers — growth of the platform, technical to do lists, the promise of new technologies and the resolve of HP management to support the 3000. Respondents include outside observers as well as the full lineup of HP managers relevant to the 3000’s specifics. We offer their answers to the questions posed below as a set of tea leaves to help enlighten and extend the vision for a computer system not far from completing its third decade of success.

Peter Bradley, general manager,
HP Computer Users Association

What conditions will be contributing to the 3000’s business prospects in Europe for the coming year?

Bill Russell, HP VP and GM
of the Enterprise Systems and Software Group

How do you believe this fall’s reorganization into the ECSO impacts CSY’s 1999 business mission?

Joe Geiser, chair of SIGWEB

What’s your forecast for Java and Web servers becoming useful on the HP 3000 over the coming year?

Doug Greenup, founder, MiniSoft

What changes do you see for the coming year for HP 3000 connectivity?

Kriss Rant, HP 3000
Alliance Development Manager

What’s the best prospect to improve the choice of HP 3000 application solutions in the coming year?

Alfredo Rego, founder, Adager

What improvement to IMAGE can have the greatest impact for customers in the coming year?

Winston Prather, R&D manager, CSY

What kinds of HP 3000 functionality do you see third parties delivering instead of HP placing the code in FOS?

Ken Sletten, chair, SIGIMAGE

What capability is number one on your hit list for HP 3000 database users ?

Art Garcia, HP 3000 Americas
Region Business Manager

What kind of expansion are you expecting in the HP 3000 channel in the next year?

Ivica Juresa, Regional Business
Manager, CSY Europe

Here in the US, CSY is ready to go after the distribution marketplace as a focused vertical for new business. What new vertical markets do you expect will make a significant contribution to HP 3000 business in Europe?

Donna Garverick, chair, SIG-Sysman

What improvement in the 3000’s administration capabilities are you most grateful for this year?

Tony Furnivall, chair, SIG MPE

How can customers maintain ties with the 3000 community — for training and networking — without the high-dollar costs of travel to conferences and classes?

Harry Sterling, General Manager,
HP 3000 Division

How do you expect CSY’s plan to address customer enhancement requests to change this year?

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