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HP 3000 Visions
for 1999

January, 1999

The knowledge that their systems are 100-percent Y2K-compliant will bring the HP 3000 community continued peace of mind in 1999. The HP 3000’s reliability enables customers to deploy mission-critical applications. This means that with the widely anticipated growth in Internet commerce, HP 3000 customers will enjoy the ability to develop and maintain a web presence.

How do you believe this fall’s reorganization into the ECSO impacts CSY’s 1999 business mission?

CSY’s business mission remains: to continue its strong pattern of growth while remaining loyal to its current installed base of customers. The new Enterprise Computing Solutions Organization brings HP 3000 customers added support and service, a great benefit as evidenced in the new pilot customer-funded enhancement for MPE. This is an example of HP listening to its customers and responding to their requests, ensuring that the HP 3000 is developed in accordance with customer needs.

Bill Russell, HP VP and GM of the Enterprise Systems and Software Group


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