Online Extra No.
HP wants just one version of
MPE for emulation
Interex unveils second 3000
Symposium date
Euro user groups merge before
North America's
MB Foster's UDACentral sale ends
Dec. 31
COBOL gets its new standard set,
at long last
HP moving Amazon toward Linux,
not HP-UX
Patchwatch: New CI, HP tools
for 6.5
Eloquence 3000 Inc. opens
wing off Robelle's halls

December 2002
HP's price on new MPE licenses is
likely to be affordable
Minisoft is carrying 3000 forms toward PDF,
and ODBC across to Unix
HP report gives the market a bounce, but no
leap of expectations for 2003
HP unreeled new tape storage options that
may embrace 3000 customers
Terix signed an exclusive support deal
with GCG Data
VA7100s better support older HP

December 2002
shows sites slow to leave 3000 One year after HP announced
its plans to leave the HP 3000, a little more than half of its
customers are either still studying their response to the news or
choosing to homestead on the platform, according to a 3000
NewsWire poll.
Independent HW support adds expert
assistance HP 3000 owners looking toward third party
options for support this year will find resources both familiar and
unexpected to service their systems: former HP 3000 configuration
expertise and IBM Global Services.
Troubleshooting gets
independent Downsizing is putting seasoned 3000 pros out
of a job , and one is taking a path that continues to make services
available to 3000 buyers and owners: ramping up an independent
consulting and help desk business.
Transition tour outlines migrate
option A 12-city road show consolidates first years
planning advice for several hundred 3000 sites. In Houston on
November 14, something less than two dozen customer sites sent their
IT staff to hear the news about the platforms transition
one year to the day after HP announced its end of sales and
IMAGE bumps SQL Server app offline
A new application for 3000s manages customers for Internet
service providers, displacing Windows
ISV journeys down Linux migration road,
by John Burke The leading K-12 app provider on HP 3000s
takes steps to move its software to Linux, in this first of a
two-part study exploring the issues of porting to low cost

Online Extra No.
Defining an emulator: software
or hardware?
Samba has new features en route
for 3000
CAMUS sets up ERP advice for
Interex maintains leadership
after election
Time change still smoother on
MBS, Cognos partner on BI
New patches deliver
improvements for 3000

November 2002
Hardware keeps rolling beyond HP
channel As the HP 3000 crossed over its 30-year service
mark this month, the computer was growing more than respect and a
reputation. The system that drives MPE and IMAGE has gained a sales
resource at the same time that established third parties report
supply of the systems was as healthy as ever.
A-Class speed boost: For sale?
A poorly-kept secret might lead to richer performance in the
HP 3000s future, even though the vendor is done releasing
faster, newer models of the server. Improved processor speeds lie
locked inside the low-end A-Class models of the computers
newest generation. Even some newer N-Class computers have room to run
Migration testimony charts
meticulous journey As HP and its migration partners tour
the US this fall, the customer reports HP presented in an HP World
migration roundtable show that moves off the system are likely to
cover many seasons.
Cooper outlines performance at HP
World In what might be the last such talk ever given by
HP, the vendor detailed new 3000 hardware and OS
MANMAN sites face enhancement sunset
SSA Global Technology announced the ERP package is due for few
enhancements, and users react and plan to extend
iSeries conference points to 3000s
history In a short peek at how the other half learns,
IBMs chief scientist invokes the 3000s name before COMMON

Online Extra No.
SSA puts brakes on further MANMAN
MPE-IMAGE ought to be
HP puts emulators into MPE's
Interex board vote impacts
A-, N-Class firmware gets
COBOL II gets fix for
performance bog
HP hires for print, services,
lays off in servers

Homesteaders hope emerges from
HPs world In Los Angeles at HP World, HP gave
customers the first ledges of opportunity to continue their climb
with their HP 3000s, announcing it will allow a 3000 hardware
emulator project to continue as well as creating new MPE
What's to Hide? At a meeting
where HP told Interex to bar reporters from covering, the vendor told
customers about options to extend HP's 3000 support beyond 2006 and
explained why it did not sell off the MPE business in the face of
offers last fall.
HP World changes post-merger
The first meeting between top HP executives and HP 3000
customers since the vendors exit announcement didnt spur
the sparks anticipated by some in the 3000 community. HP forestalled
the clashes at a much smaller conference than recent years, by
bringing some hope for homesteaders to Los Angeles at the same time
it arranged hours of migration briefings.
Acucorp ships new COBOL tool family
COBOL compiler supplier Acucorp has shipped its 5.2.2 version
of its extend5 family of COBOL development tools, including
AcuCOBOL-GT, the COBOL compiler for the HP 3000 that includes MPE
nuances and provides a path toward other environments.

Online Extra No.
HP World meetings converge for
max MPE effect
File system makes your 3000
HP begins to shed MPE
HP seems to want it both ways,
for now
Migration meeting, or
RUGs mount fall meetings
Speedware touts support

September 2002
Expect some progress in the
homestead options at HP World
Will a required MPE/iX 7.5 drag down sales
of the newest HP 3000s?
HP hunted in vain for finished
Allegro settled its case with HP over
trade secrets and stolen property
HP made basic Unix training free
from the Web
Platinum Migration partners are
facing off on database tool pricing
Amisys rolled out its last general
release of 3000 healthcare software

September 2002
HP rolls
out its last upgrade of 3000 line It may have taken the
ultimate demise of HPs 3000 business to prompt the offer, but
the company is now rolling out a performance deal hard to deny: more
speed for no extra cost. By placing the PA-8700 processors in its
existing A-Class and N-Class servers, HP increased performance on the
line from 35 to 100 percent, all at prices no higher than existing
N-Class and A-Class models.
MPE/iX release speeds IO Fulfilling one of HPs older
promises, Version 7.5 of MPE/iX shipped this month enabling Fibre
Channel connections for HP 3000 peripherals, as well as freeing a
secure Web server and expanding storage and database limits. The
software is billed as the last mainline release HP will create for
the computer.
Tools crowd
database migration fields Data used to be the last anchor
that lashed companies to HP 3000s and applications. A few years ago
the problem of migrating data kept HP 3000 customers from considering
a migration away from the computer platform. But with the blood in
the markets water after HPs decision to end its support
of the system, tools suppliers are feeding on the opportunity of a
customer base in transition by launching three new products at HP
World this month.
Universitys data migration follows
familiar course While leaving the 3000 platform, a
well-known data access tool made the migration to IBMs Informix
database the smoothest part of a three-year trek toward an
off-the-shelf Unix app
WRQ supplies
security through Reflection Version 10 of the PC and Web
connectivity client offers libraries that enable SSL security for
3000 applications
NewsWire Briefs
HPs bill
for its merger comes due in a red-ink third quarter
HP finishes
most MPE/iX System Improvement requests from 2001
HP 3000
software and consulting firm teams up for migrations to IBMs
iSeries servers

Online Extra No. 77
HP's 3000 history, and its
AS/400 lessons
OpenMPE extends its HP World
Glum forecast for IT spending, with a
silver lining for the 3000
A tutorial on 3000 tape to
tape copying
Patchwatch: 6.5 users get more
stable Telnet
Suprtool training arrives in
the East
Amisys sets fall user group

August 2002
latest, and maybe last, version of MPE/iX has been cleared for
HP World
will offer another gathering of 3000 advocates and experts
Software offers new help for migration of backups
OpenMPE issues may be getting a
hearing from HP next month
rolled out a new client-server module for healthcare

August 2002
issues fall into future plans Even after HP leaves the
field of sales for HP 3000s next year, it expects its customers to
play by the vendors rules. But the bulk of issues about
licensing after next fall remain unresolved, and the lack of
information is just another element holding up plans for homesteading
and migration.
extension to help migration, homestead HPs 3000
customers will face fewer changes in their operations over the next
two years since the company extended the end of support date for a
popular release of MPE/iX. The 6.5 operating system that was
scheduled to become unsupported by HP on December 31, 2003 now will
be eligible for HP support through all of 2004.
faces future challenge HPs recommendation for the
most compatible IMAGE/SQL database replacement continues its
permanent temporary lifespan this year. And HP 3000
customers considering migration away from the platform might be able
to read a similar future into their server, since HPs forecast
of Eloquences lifespan hasnt been so precise.
Webcast maps IMAGE replacement Like commuters tuned to
rush-hour traffic reports, HPs customers and partners had
already heard about the slowdowns ahead while driving toward
non-IMAGE databases on alternative platforms. HP used its fifth
Webcast on migration issues to convince those database drivers that
the tie-ups in Oracle intersections werent that bad.
NewsWire Briefs
tracing facility simplifies application monitoring and migration to
HP gives
partners at recent developer forum licenses for Programmer
eXegeSys signs
on to port BRW to other environments
poll targets primary needs of homesteading customers
upgrades its fax application for HP 3000s
CSI launches
disaster recovery for small business
partner MBS names new enterprise applications VP

Online Extra No. 76
lowers leasing rate for 3000s
Understand your licensing futures?
Webcasts about migration queue up for
Query expert at HP takes retirement plan
Netsysco offers HP-UX training for 3000
Amisys users plan 11.0 conference call, fall
HP to drop Bluestone, app server offerings
Sector 7 signs on with Acucobol

July 2002
An extra
year of support, and its revenues for HP, gets added to MPE/iX 6.5
Apache is safer from
hacking if it's installed on HP 3000s
3000 channel
partners got a picture of their HP future
HP stretched
out its support for some of the 3000 line
MBS is adding
Transoft, Denkart relationships to its Platinum picture
Perl's got new
modules for its MPE/iX customers
Dial in and
log on if you want advice on moving from IMAGE

July 2002
announces its OpenMPE relationship With 14 months left
until it stops selling HP 3000s, HP started the clock on its planning
for customers who will play with the systems after HP leaves the
IBM vies for
3000 customers IBM and one of its larger
North American iSeries distributors are planning to host a Webcast to
promote the iSeries to business executives at companies using HP
3000s. IBM will have to dispel doubts about the future of a
proprietary computing platform the same kind of assurances HP
has been delivering to 3000 customers for years, at least until last
expands Platinum partner program HP added another company
to the roster of firms pledged to assist in migrating small and
midsize HP 3000 sites, expanding a group whose members believed they
had exclusive membership. Managed Business Solutions (MBS) was named
as the fourth HP Platinum partner, joining M.B. Foster Associates,
Lund Performance Solutions and Speedware as North American companies
handling migration plans and execution.
offers new platform promises Its merger failed, e-commerce
app supplier talks up futures for customers on NT and tests on
HPs Unix platform
paints Transition picture for interfaces Webcast offers
advice on how to retool to eliminate VPlus screens, suggests
migration can green-light facelifts
NewsWire Briefs
offers new Open Commerce Services to keep development on
Foster signs pact with Transoft for migration tools
companies line up to support 3000 hardware
to study support for Eloquence
upgraded for 3000, Secure Web server goes beta
Lund names
sales manager, inks pacts with Neartek, Ordina Denkart for migration

Online Extra No. 75
Nobix signs distribution
agreement with Client Systems
HP 3000
safe from BIND security warning
Perl script
language rolls to improved version
promises faster layoffs, more savings
CE savvy
dropping, and a phone support trick
HP heads
for partner forum at month's end
Value: Definitions while adding datasets
PatchWatch: Fix the free job
queue feature in 6.0
Copying a patch tape:
healthcare regs surface for Amisys sites

June 2002
Ecometry took
itself private instead of merging
HP added another
Platinum Migration partner in the US
Streamlined SQL access
is in beta test this month
HP will still be
creating patches for MPE/iX
HPs Webcasts
explored languages, with interfaces next
ANSI's API offers a
J2EE option for both homesteaders and migrators

June 2002
CSY goes virtual;
Prather exits division Winston Prather has exited
HPs 3000 division, but he has architected the retirement of the
CSY General Manager title in HPs post-merger reorganization
because CSY is disappearing as a division, becoming a virtual
HP organization to be led by former R&D chief Dave

Online Extra No. 74
Finley, Sieler, Cooper defend
against charges
steps out of 3000 division; CSY goes virtual
postpones conference
Samba gets a
new version for the HP 3000
PHP makes the
Web talk with IMAGE, and it's free
promises language advice
talk offers training on the Web
vulnerability stalks MPE systems
SIU goes to
Version B
Speedware posts Q2

May 2002
HP executed its
merger with Compaq, but few products died yet
OpenMPE started a
donation plan, and waits on HPs decision
DDS-1 tapes will arrive
no more
IBM is targeting the
HP 3000 customers once more
Speedware hosts
migration experience, touts Platinum status

May 2002
HP extends one deadline on Transition offer The first
deadline in the HP campaign to move customers off the 3000 slipped in
California, when attendees at the Interex e3000 Solutions Symposium
learned they now have three extra years to purchase 3000-to-HP 9000
conversion kits for their N-Class and A-Class 3000s. The announcement
was one of several designed to motivate more customer acceptance of
HP-UX platforms. Separately, partners at the conference reported HP
has told them it will not be hurrying customers to migrate.
reaches for Oracle, Transoft for application port Trying
again, after you dont at first succeed, will involve changing
development goals for Amisys LLC, the company serving about 100
healthcare organizations in the US with its HP 3000 solution. The
firm wants to move its customers to the Unix platform, just as it did
in the late 1990s with its failed Amisys Open initiative. This time
around the project to move the complex application suite will begin
as a port of existing functionality, instead of a rewrite with new
features and a new front end.
Webcast offers
plans, Platinum HP turned to a pair of its solutions
partners to deliver advice for migrations away from the HP 3000, as
M.B. Foster Associates and Lund Performance Solutions leaders offered
education on planning during HPs latest Webcast.
MANMAN market
hopeful over new owner SSA Global Technology brings ERP
experience to the manufacturing base of 3000 owners who have gotten
along with their legacy application. But SSA will also offer
IBM-centric alternatives of its own

Online Extra No. 73
your 3000 from Denial of Service attacks
Do a
beta test on a needed patch
takes off with massive IPO
hardball gets leaked, so HP calls cops
Texas to
corral 3000 advice at RUG meeting
Getting MPE/iX 7.0 right
-- and ready for 9x7s, perhaps
extends early bird for ERP show
Patch up
6.0 DNS software

April 2002
HP added
incentives to woo more migrations at the Symposium
voted for HP to invest in extending MPE's future
Associates sold off the group which owns MANMAN
Amisys plans to port
to Unix in 15 months
Client Systems
almost set a one-month record for 3000 sales
There's more
migration assistance coming online this summer
HP lost its bid
to kill off the Walter Hewlett lawsuit blocking its

April 2002
Poll: 44
percent of 9x7s going third-party This months end
of HP hardware support for Series 9x7 HP 3000s may not be changing
many customer plans, according to a survey of those owning the most
popular system. Thats because the largest group of those
customers appear to have already moved beyond HPs reach while
continuing to use the platform.
extends one deadline on Transition offer The first
deadline in the HP campaign to move customers off the 3000 slipped in
California, when attendees at the Interex e3000 Solutions Symposium
learned they now have three extra years to purchase 3000-to-HP 9000
conversion kits for their N-Class and A-Class 3000s. The announcement
was one of several designed to motivate more customer acceptance of
HP-UX platforms. Separately, partners at the conference reported HP
has told them it will not be hurrying customers to migrate.
HP uncaps
storage, Web advances for MPE While HP marketing forces
continue to hawk migration from the 3000, the companys
engineers are releasing features that improve the value of operating
the venerable server.
claims merger victory; Hewlett sues, claims HP coercion HP
CEO Carly Fiorina declared victory in the shareholder struggle over
the future of HP less than an hour after the companys
shareholder meeting closed March 19. But less than 10 days later,
dissident director Walter Hewlett filed a lawsuit charging HP with
coercing an investment bank to change its vote on 17 million shares
in favor of the deal or risk having HP cancel business with
the investor.
surveys 3000 Transition reaction One of the larger
software suppliers to HP 3000 shops says its customers are still
making decisions on how to respond to HPs plan to leave the
community in 2006. But WRQ expects a big chunk of the
marketplace to stay there, if its an option.

Online Extra No. 72
user group endorses merger without polling members
We're against it
merger will do HP's enterprise no good
We were
wrong: merger likely to linger beyond March 19
Hurry to
vote on the 3000 improvement ballot
7.0 and
7.5 is there time to get them right?
Migration tracks swell at
give HP-UX a chance at IMAGE-like speed?

March 2002
Wait, that Web
training from HP on migration will be free
Sales continue to
rise in North America for 3000s
OpenMPE Inc. wants
you to line up on its Transition side, and soon
HP got an analyst
to recommend its merger plan with Compaq
Bradmark passed
along forever wishes for the 3000 community
Orbit's got a way to
move from the 3000's COBOL to C, in automated fashion

March 2002
3000 experts
examine emulation plans Engineering talent with more than
14 years experience developing parts of the RISC-based HP 3000
operating system, utilities and applications is taking a closer look
at emulation for the system this month and waiting for HP to
make a statement on supporting such a project.
founders to sell to Syngistix Pledging their 35-percent
stake in the company, Ecometry founders Wilburn Smith and Allan
Gardner are backing the $36 million sale of their publicly traded
company to Syngistix. Company officials now expect the deal will
execute in the April or May time frame, a sale that will bring $2.4
million more in cash than a prior offer by the founders to take their
company private.
ERP vendor
explores Transition plans The hundreds of HP 3000 sites
using MANMAN ERP software got early advice from their software
supplier last month, as InterBiz offered to replace the MPE version
of their application with several programs running on other
Third party steps
in to replace HP peripherals Whats a future without
HP look like? A dot-matrix printer manufacturer steps up when HP
steps out of a market

Online Extra No. 71
ends the baiting, drops fees for Web migration training
Fix your 6.5
extend 9x7 HP support
Processors provide plenty of
emulation horsepower
to dump HP-UX in its IT ops
Suprtool adds Eloquence
survey offers 3000 users impact
HP World
paper deadline approaches fast

February 2002
New HP 3000s
are still moving in
The sound of
the for-sale cash register is ringing at Ecometry
Put up or split
up: HP calls for a vote on its merger in March
SIG 3000 won't be
meeting this year
HP started a public
beta test of new inventory software for 3000s
A CSY resource
has moved to the world of Linux
Interex closed
its last platform-specific publication for good

February 2002
fills board with 3000 veterans Founders of the group
dedicated to preserving the life of MPE beyond HPs plans formed
an elected a board of directors last month, with HP permitting one of
its top engineers to take a board seat as well.
HP Webcast
leaves out details on migration More than 500 customers
logged onto a 90-minute HP migration Webcast to learn that the vendor
expected them to pay for specific Web-based help to move from the HP
3000 to HPs Unix systems. Details on how to begin a migration
will be reserved for future shows that HP wanted to charge 3000
customers for.
gathers up tools for Transition HPs prodding of its
3000 customers into planning for new platforms presses companies into
needing new resources. Open
Seas, in conjunction with North American partner Lund Performance Solutions, aims to
ensure those customers wont have to provide their own migration
experience or even the tools for the job.
ScreenJet, Acucorp team for
Transition A software firm selling 3000 GUI emulation and
the new COBOL presence in the 3000 world team up their technologies.
Lund names
new president, aims at service foundation Scott Pierson
becomes just the second president in firms 15-year history,
steps up services mission.

Online Extra No. 70
engineer joins OpenMPE Inc. board
driver gets ROMAN8 capabilities
utility lets system consoles talk
credit looks bad, according to Fortune
Things you
might miss most on HP-UX
Where are the applications?
Powerhouse makes PDL from IMAGE
A free FTP
client for multiple platforms
hosts manufacturing conference

January 2002
OpenMPE movement now has a board of directors
An emulation
vendor is exploring the 3000 space
Customers want HP
to open up COBOL's resources
Interex-Europe asked HP to
reconsider its 3000 futures
HP and Interex
are spreading migration advice around
N-Class has gone as far as it will ever go
HP is still
figuring out what to do with its own 3000s

January 2002
Vendors take sides in Transition
plans Software firms in the HP 3000 community reacted to
HPs end-of-support announcement with varying degrees of haste,
ranging from plans ready on announcement day to companies developing
their strategies over the next three months or more.
speaks up as IMAGE replacement The most IMAGE-compatible
database for non-3000 platforms is getting a lot more attention from
3000 customers in the wake of HPs decision to leave the
community. Some developers considering a shift to HP Eloquence are
trying to judge whether Eloquence could continue to speak if HP
decided to shut it off, as it has curtailed IMAGE and Allbase
paints two faces on IMAGE move, migrations HP 3000 shops
will hear about many products this year which promise to help migrate
away from the platform. Some are being offered by companies with deep
MPE experience. Only a few have potential for working alongside HP
3000 databases now, as well as enabling migrations in the
MBS aims at 3000
migrations, management A company thats been
supporting 3000 applications at Agilent wants to help companies
manage apps and migrate