Online Extra No.
HP still calling on migration
IBM to spark its iSeries
Interex Symposium offers
homestead answers, too
BIND troubles don't hit 3000s very
Bradmark, Beechglen tie up in
service deal
ScreenJet puts demo in online

Even the Interex survey on migration
shows much slow, some no-go
Speedware opened the gates on its DBMotion
database migration toolset
IBM made a shift in its leadership for its
iSeries business
Lund started to ship its successor to the
SOS performance line
Interex is on target to put a second
Symposium onto the field in Valley Forge
Some at HP see a Transition as a
challenge, no matter what you

Poll shows apps direct transition
plans The same factor which determined new HP 3000 sales
is controlling the future of the customers transition plans,
according to a 3000 NewsWire poll. Applications are guiding company
decisions to migrate or homestead, but theres another element
in the mix: the softest IT economy in more than a decade, according
to customers
Migration choices carry DBA costs
Most migration choices carry a higher cost of ownership than
sticking with an HP 3000. But you might avoid some expense in
switching, if you choose the right database to replace
ROC forges more MPE-ready software
ROC Software is pursuing its own course in the year to come,
following its customers instead of the path its partners recommend.
While HP is advising 3000 customers to leave behind their systems,
ROC has created a new scheduling system for MPE/iX and other systems.
The business decision comes from a company whose Chief Technology
Officer, Danny Compton, has been bucking longevity odds all his
Transition tour outlines future
On the one-year anniversary of HPs decision to pull out
of the 3000 market, this date in the 12-city road show includes a
segment on planning for the spending that moves HP 3000 customers
onto other systems. In the meeting room at the Houston Hilton, Birket
Foster wants someone to help add up the numbers around
An MPE Journey Down the Linux Road,
by John Burke In the second of a two-part series, see how
3000 vendor QSS took its first steps toward moving educational apps
to Open

Online Extra No.
Last call for HPs 3000
Linux to hit the big screen
Minisoft sticks to the 3000 as
well as the Mac
MBS to resell, install Neartek's
AMXW emulator
VMS: A picture of what MPE might
have been
Get board with Interex
Manufacturing conference opens

A homestead hope rose from a
migration Webcast
Eloquence ports onto
Itanium, moves to more IMAGE compatibility soon
HP is still enhancing the
3000's operating system
User groups joined
together with HP to survey your satisfaction
IBMs not bashful about
facing up to Oracle
HP pulled its shuttle ads in
the tragedy's wake

HP calls first Webcast at C-level
HP kicked the Transition issues onto the boardroom carpet last
month, hoping to get HP 3000 customers moving along its recommended
migration path by targeting corporate officers. But HPs
PowerPoint message to these C-level managers was only being watched
in about 70 offices, an audience that read and heard crib notes
attempting to sum up the volumes of detail which HP had Webcast
during 2002.
HP training worthy on Web site, by John
Burke HP announced its free HP e3000 Transition Training
program with considerable fanfare around the time of last years
HP World conference. Ive been curious whether it was worth
taking. I decided to allocate a long weekend to taking the courses
and deciding for myself.
Tally steps up to fill out line printer
choices HP may not see as much potential in the 3000
customer as it once did, but the vendors view isnt shared
at Tally Computer Printers. If not for HPs 2001 exit from the
line printer business followed a few months later by its
notice of leaving the 3000 market by 2007 Tally might not have
rolled out a 3000-compatible lineup.
iSeries alternative includes flexible
capacity With ample innovations and a new price point, IBM
means to affirm its AS400 commitment to 3000 sites
Transition advice shows both fast,
and thorough paths Full-day transition tour advice covers
the speed of 4GLs, refactoring, while customers ask of

Online Extra No.
NewsWire's editorial e-mail is
Emulator project taking first
steps at OpenMPE
MPE gets a sendmail security
Interex offers Symposium
two-fer deal
Itanium gets an ecosystem
FTP patches improve 3000 file

At least one emulator maker has
gotten down to coding for the future
SqlLink 3000 gets a mirrored edition this
Valley Forge's Symposium showed off
a pair of database alternatives
Prices falling, sources rising for HP
3000 used systems

Symposium spurs talk about emulators
Armed with a set of HPs intentions to help, the OpenMPE
organization led a discussion about the future of projects to create
HP 3000 hardware emulators. The two-hour meeting at the Valley Forge
Solutions Symposium outdrew any other competing session an
attendance pattern that was set one day earlier, when a talk on 3000
homesteading practices outdrew three migration-related
HP confirms post-2003 sales plans
HP may be heading for the exit on its HP 3000 business, but
the vendor is following the lead of its customers through the next
year and half by selling everything for an HP 3000 except a full

Online Extra No.
HP expected to meet
P&G IT becomes one with
Migration update: Itanium to
get latest HP-UX release
What's migration got to do
with it?
Hype Watch: who's saying it's the
end of life
3000 partners meet with HP
next month

Major app provider says sites can stay on
MPE until the nuts and bolts fall out.
Paul Edwards & Associates and
EasySpooler offered a spooler alternative
Cognos and its PowerHouse customers did some
HP restructured its enterprise server
Another Webcast for migration surfaces May
HP put its best technical advice on the

HP considers enhancements in 3000
future An OpenMPE meeting announced more than 20 experts
willing to work on MPEs future. The fresh engineering talent
and a chance for more HP-designed MPE/iX enhancements emerged from
the latest meeting of the OpenMPE advocacy organization.
Emulation hurdles get examined at
symposium While a European software company is working on
a prototype of an HP 3000 hardware emulator for a possible prototype
before years end, another firm based in the US believes the
project could be complex enough to take much longer. One developer
said the time to market for any software that transforms Intel-based
PCs into HP 3000s wont be a crucial factor in
Pivital wins new 3000 sales spot
Pivital Solutions CEO Steve Suraci hears the tick of a different
clock than the one which HP has been counting down for 3000 sales.
Less than six months before new HP 3000 sales will end at HP, Pivital
is ramping up its efforts as the newest authorized reseller of the
servers in North America.
How to Develop and Present a
Transition Strategy, by John Burke Speedwares Chris
Koppe showed Symposium users how to present a path and get
Symposium talks tackle migration
outlooks, by Steve Hammond Attendees at Valley Forge hear
both micro, macro views from PIR Group, MB Foster,
WRQ adds VPN integration to Reflection
The Web version of the connectivity software gets SOCKS
compliance to simplify connections to private
N-Class earns HP tout at Symposium
HPs Kevin Cooper makes a pitch for the discontinued 3000
by promoting batch speed improvement, higher IO
Taking Steps Toward COBOL
Conversions, by Steve Hammond Moving to Linux or Unix?
Watch for syntax differences, COPYLIBS and 3000 file
carries low-cost Linux flag A compiler for under $100,
compliant with COBOL standards? Welcome to the world of Linux, where
an HP 3000 expatriate is offering solutions for business
Webcast offers advice on controlling transition cost, by John
Burke Advice details the merits of emulating MPE on Unix using
Nearteks AMXW suite
Itanium SIG looks to remove
roadblocks The architecture that sits at the heart of
HPs enterprise future gets a new group to advocate and trade
technical details

Online Extra No.
HP's weak quarter pulls down
Not all layoffs are at HP
HP World shows far fewer MPE
Will 6.5 live even longer?
Emulator, schmemulator:
how about just buying PA-RISC
Swap that software until Oct. 2

Hard times for user groups took down one of
the 3000s oldest
Its not an IBM meeting, but
Atlanta hosts a night of iSeries news
ROC Software, Transoft show off new
products at HP World
Amisys users pull together for an update
next month
MB Foster added new connectivity tools
for 3000 data

Conference to take on HP
perspective Some HP 3000 veterans are calling it
the last gathering of the MPE community. Others point to an ascent of
a new HP customer constituency at a conference long ago ruled by 3000
issues. Regardless of where an HP 3000 customer looks this month, the
formula for HP World is certain to show signs of change, the same
assimilation thats roared through HP during the last
Homestead site steps out with proxy
security for 3000 Homesteading an HP 3000 can mean a lot
more than tending to static software thats best left untouched.
In the heart of the financial industry, a modest-sized HP 3000 is
connected to more than a hundred customers through a secure Internet
proxy server, a encryption combination thats just emerging as
HP goes into its last quarter of sales for the system.
Itanium target for migration tests
fast, by Duane Percox The QSS migration plan has always
included IA-64 as a target, using both HP-UX and Linux as supported
operating systems for the application server. Recently we announced
support for 64-bit SQL Server, running on Itanium, as a supported
database server. We were excited to get the opportunity to install
one of HPs rx2600 systems with dual Itanium 900Mhz (McKinley)
CPUs to test out these operating environments running on Itanium.
This is the field report from our first tests of HPs new
What Does the HP Brand Mean? by John
Burke With the exception of a hot drive, any
name-brand SCSI drive you can connect to your 3000 will likely

Online Extra No.
OpenMPE gets national coverage
what's next?
Patchwatch: N-Class systems
HPCUA user group liquidates
Interex board voting kicks
Malta magic might woo 3000
Jazz server delivers free MPE

The first 3000 hardware emulator could
be sold as hard goods
Transoft will move more than 30 HP
3000s to Windows .NET
SIG-Migrate wants to create an
information clearinghouse
Low-cost Itanium processors signal a
new push for 3000 alternatives
sites will get a roundup of user group training in November
Since customers are hanging on, Quest wants
3000s to be available

HPs World shows smaller 3000
presence The latest meeting of HP users in North America
featured much to take in. 800 HP employees swelling the conference
for product training. More than 600 meetings, seminars and keynotes
spread across five days of a conference that sprawled through
two-thirds of the vast Georgia World Congress Center. About the only
thing in short supply at HP World were HP 3000 customers, either
migrating or those homesteading.
HP ponders an extension of support
for 6.5 release At least half of the HP 3000 community is
using an MPE/iX release that goes out of HPs support plans in
15 months. But when the vendor proposed an extension to MPE/iX 6.5,
partners and third party software suppliers at HP World were cool to
the idea and some absolutely frigid.
IMAGE to get consolidated code
base As the latest HP World conference wound to a close,
HP opened a new future for the 3000s database. This years
meeting of SIG-IMAGE/SQL included a report that the vendor will make
a single code base for the database that includes the LargeFile
enhancement for maximum dataset capability.
CEO keynote speech recalls HP
choices, by Steve Hammond After 40 minutes of a speech
crafted for analysts, 3000 users were left wondering what side to
COBOL meeting shows languages
future, by Steve Hammond The HP World meeting of SIGCOBOL
shows the language has legs for many more strong years
Itanium databases dont
require rocket science, by Duane Percox A test drive of
HPs Itanium alternative shows equivalent database and language

Online Extra No.
HP reminds you to shop soon
Database alternative adds
IBM offers iSeries compute service
not apps, but on tap
Amisys users get updates on tech
No Malta meeting for migration
Top-ranked HP server also gets
end of life

Outlets for the 3000 are trying to
deal in October, but discounts were scarce
The HP 3000 isnt dying on
Halloween, but working at HP through its afterlife
Check your N-Class server to preserve
upgrade options
Transoft posted another migration
success story
sites get full migration lineup in November meeting

HPs sales of 3000 wind down
HP is putting on a sales drive to produce a strong final month
of its fiscal year but much of the HP 3000 community did its
shopping for new systems well before Octobers end of HP sales
OpenMPE strives toward significance in
second year OpenMPE, the HP 3000 user organization whose
mission is to find a future beyond HPs plans for the platform,
plans work this fall on its first paid membership drive, a first step
toward organizing an independent MPE/iX R&D lab.
Migration savvy surfaces at HP World
talk When HP assembled three IT managers with HP 3000
migration field experience at the recent HP World conference, a new
level of honesty flowed alongside the hands-on reports.
World sessions scout COBOL migration, by Steve Hammond
Scouts lined up to help users with COBOL applications venture toward
a new environment
Group enjoins a jump, by Steve Hammond Who let the
infidels in the temple? At a booth in one of the back aisles of the
2003 HP World, ran an IBM AS/400
NewsWire Briefs
Transition polls show majority seeking no
sign up for the World Wide Wake
Systems offers MANMAN sites replication option
Acucorp touts Extend's Itanium support
says Windows dominance puts companies at risk
Holiday orders still swell 3000
The 45-foot tractor trailers are backing up to the loading
dock at Hickory Farms this month, as the mail order, Web and store
retailer pushes thousands of boxes a day out for holiday gifts. The
company wont need boxes of forms and labels to deliver the
gifts, though. This year the company has expanded its HP 3000 use to
include forms and labels management.
Malta founders on rocks, Ratingen rolls, by Alan Yeo After
the cancellation of the European HP Migration Meeting in Malta last
month, the European HP 3000 team led by Horst Kanert and Jurgen
Probst bounced back with an well-attended briefing that updated the
progress of migration partners
Reflection integrates new Microsoft
technology While sales ended for the system, WRQ arrived
with new host access functionality for the 3000 customer a
group the company continues to describe as a vital segment of its

Online Extra No.